Longueuil, Québec – December 10, 2003 The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) are commissioning two studies to
assess Atlantic Canada opportunities for growth in the Earth and Environment
and Satellite Communications space sectors. The cost of these studies, worth
over $72,000, will be shared by the two agencies.

“The Canadian Space Agency is pleased to be working closely with ACOA to
promote an active participation of Atlantic Canada stakeholders in the
Canadian Space Program,” said CSA President Marc Garneau. “These studies
will provide us with strategic insight into areas of critical importance to
the Canadian Space Program while demonstrating recognized regional interest
and expertise.”

“ACOA is working to enhance and diversify Atlantic Canada’s knowledge-based
industries,” said ACOA President Monique Collette. “These studies will help
identify the capacity, as well as the potential, of our region’s companies
to participate in innovative, space-based activities, such as Earth
observation and satellite communications.”

Aerde Environmental Research will be undertaking the Earth and Environment
study. Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Aerde Environmental Research has been
at the forefront of developing RADARSAT training and educational materials.
The company has conducted numerous technology application development
projects and is a strong contributor to the field of Earth and Environment
in Canada and abroad. Members of the Atlantic Coastal Zone Information
Steering Committee (ACZISC) will also participate in the study, bringing
with them their experience in information infrastructure for integrated
coastal management of Atlantic Canada.

Ottawa-based Telesat Canada will be responsible for the Satellite
Communications study. Telesat Canada is a world-renowned and successful
space company and has demonstrated a proven ability to innovate and create
new, affordable and client-oriented services and applications in the
satellite communications field, including tele-health applications in rural
and northern communities. Supporting Telesat Canada on the study is
Collaborative Network Technologies (ColabNet) of Newfoundland, specialists
in the application of information technologies.

About the Canadian Space Agency

Established in 1989 with its Headquarters situated in Longueuil, Quebec, the
CSA leads the national space program. The CSA coordinates programs
supporting Earth and the Environment, Space Science, Human Presence in
Space, Satellite Communications, Space Technology, Space Qualification
Services, Space Awareness and Education. The CSA is at the forefront of the
development and application of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians
and humanity.

About ACOA

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency is the federal government
department responsible for helping to build economic capacity in the
Atlantic Provinces by working with the people of the region – in their
communities, through their institutions and with their local and provincial
governments and businesses – to create jobs and enhance earned incomes. For
more information on ACOA’s programs, visit our web site at:

For more information, please contact:

Monique Billette
Senior Media Relations Officer
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-4370
E-mail: monique.billette@space.gc.ca

Diana Zandberg
Senior Communications Officer
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
(506) 851-2132
Email: Diana.Zandberg@acoa-apeca.gc.ca