Saint-Hubert, December 11, 2000 – The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) invites
media representatives to view, live from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), the
STS-97 post-landing press conference with CSA veteran Astronaut Marc
Garneau. The event is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, December 12, 2000
at 12:30 p.m. EST.

Only media on site at KSC may take part in the question period following the

Although Marc Garneau will not be available for interviews with Canadian
media, interviews with CSA spokespersons can be arranged by telephone.

Canadian media who are interested in viewing this event on NASA TV may do so
by logging to the NASA TV satellite on GE-2, Transponder 9C at 85 degrees
West longitude, vertical polarisation, with a frequency of 3,880 MHz and
audio of 6.8 MHz.

NOTE: Date and time of event, as well as availability of STS-97
Commander and crew members are subject to change or cancellation.