COLORADO SPRINGS ā€”SpaceX has lost the right to provide Starlink broadband services in France after the countryā€™s highest administrative court revoked its spectrum license. 

Franceā€™s Conseil dā€™Ć‰tat ruled April 5 that French telecoms regulator ARCEP should have launched a public consultation before authorizing Starlink in February 2021.

ā€œIn law, they should normally cease [providing services] immediately, pending ARCEPā€™s public consultationā€ following the courtā€™s decision, a Conseil dā€™Ć‰tat spokesperson told SpaceNews.

ARCEP and SpaceX did not respond to a request for comment. 

ARCEPā€™s ā€œcontested decisionā€ to authorize Starlink ā€œis likely to have a significant impact on the market for the supply of high-speed internet access and affect the interests of end users,ā€ Conseil dā€™Ć‰tat said, and therefore should have first consulted the public.

The ruling came after Priartem and Agir Pour Lā€™Environnement, two French environmental activist organizations, submitted an appeal to challenge ARCEPā€™s decision to award Starlink frequency rights.

StĆ©phen Kerckhove, managing director of Agir pour lā€™Environnement (Acting for the Environment), called for stronger regulations on megaconstellations to protect views of the night sky and reduce space debris risks in an April 6 statement.[spacenews-ad]

Jason Rainbow writes about satellite telecom, space finance and commercial markets for SpaceNews. He has spent more than a decade covering the global space industry as a business journalist. Previously, he was Group Editor-in-Chief for Finance Information...