The Canadian Space Agency is honoured
to host the Eighth International Conference on Space Operations from May 17
to 21, 2004, in partnership with Telesat and National Research Council
Canada. Delegates from 25 countries representing the world’s space agencies,
as well as industry and academic organizations will gather at the Centre
Mont-Royal in Montréal to take part in this year’s conference.

The theme of SpaceOps 2004, “A Global Enterprise,” captures the global and
commercial scope of space operations today. Conference presentations and
plenary sessions will cover innovative techniques and approaches to the wide
range of space operations. It will also address current “hot issues” from
telemedicine and GPS (global positioning systems) to the Mars missions and
the International Space Station.

Media are invited to attend the following sessions:

Monday, May 17, 2004

3:00 p.m. Opening Ceremony: Honourary guests and keynote speakers
Dr. Mehran Anvari, a pioneer in telerobotic surgery, and Colonel Reaser,
Chief Engineer of the Navstar Global Positioning System Office (GPS), will
launch the conference.

Location: Amphitheatre, Level 1, Centre Mont-Royal
2200 Mansfield Street, Montréal, Quebec

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

8:00 a.m. Mars Missions Operations: Who better to talk about the
challenges and
out-of-this-world results of exploring Mars than experts
from the teams
operating the Spirit and Opportunity Rovers currently on the
Red Planet.
In addition, scientists from the Mars Express and Nozomi
spacecrafts will
also share their experience.

Location: Amphitheatre, Level 1, Centre Mont-Royal
2200 Mansfield Street, Montréal, Quebec

Thursday, May 20, 2004

8:30 a.m. International Space Station Operations: The International
Station is the world’s largest global scientific
undertaking. Attend this
plenary session and hear representatives from Canada, the
States, Japan, Europe and Russian describe how this vital
space asset is

Location: Amphitheatre, Level 1, Centre Mont-Royal
2200 Mansfield Street, Montréal, Quebec

Friday, May 21, 2004

8:30 a.m. CEO Round Table on Space Business and Broadband: Led by
President and CEO Laurier J. Boisvert, and moderated by
Space Agency President Marc Garneau, senior executives from
world’s top space companies will discuss the state of the
industry, the
next wave of space business, and how they are preparing
companies for the emerging broadband, multi-media market.

Location: Exhibit Hall, Level 4, Centre Mont-Royal
2200 Mansfield Street, Montréal, Quebec

Visit the SpaceOps 2004 website for more information at: