Saint-Hubert, Quebec, December 6, 2001 – Space Shuttle Endeavour,
launched last evening, is carrying a double dose of Canadian science towards the
International Space Station (ISS). The two unique Canadian experiments
address important issues concerning the health and safety of astronauts
working in space. They also have important applications here on earth.

“Although the International Space Station is still under construction,
it is providing a valuable platform for vital scientific research,” said Dr.
Alan Mortimer, Director of Life and Microgravity Sciences at the Canadian
Space Agency. “These cutting-edge Canadian experiments will lead to
improvements for astronauts as they complete work on the Station and spend more time living and working in space.”

The innovative Extra-Vehicular Activity Radiation Monitors (EVARM)
experiment, developed by Ottawa’s Thomson-Nielsen, will be used to
measure the amount of radiation astronauts receive during spacewalks.
Measurements of the radiation received by astronauts specifically during spacewalks have never been taken. The results will lead to a better understanding of radiation exposure in space and to better planning of future spacewalk activities. The technology behind EVARM is already being used on earth
to monitor the radiation exposure of health-care professionals and
patients during cancer treatments.

The Hoffman-Reflex experiment, or H-Reflex, developed by Dr. Doug Watt
of McGill University’s Aerospace Medical Research Unit, is flying for the
third time on a shuttle mission to the Station. H-Reflex measures how human
reflexes are affected by microgravity. It will help determine exercise
requirements for astronauts and may lead to improvements in managing
balance disorders on earth, particularly among the elderly. It has already been
performed by Expedition Two and Three crews and will now continue with
Expedition Four astronauts as subjects. H-Reflex is conducted by crew
members prior to launch, during their shuttle trip, while on the
Station and again during and after their return flight to earth.

About the Canadian Space Agency
Established in 1989 and headquartered in Saint-Hubert, Quebec, the
Canadian Space Agency coordinates all aspects of the Canadian Space Program.
Through its Space Knowledge, Applications and Industry Development business
line, the CSA delivers services involving: Earth and the Environment; Space
Science; Human Presence in Space; Satellite Communications; Generic
Space Technologies; Space Qualification Services and Youth Awareness. The
Canadian Space Agency is at the forefront of the development and application of
space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and humanity.

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Backgrounders on the EVARM and H-Reflex experiments are available at: and

For more information:
Media Relations
Canadian Space Agency
Tel.: (450) 926-4370