A delegation of the Russian Federal Space Agency is going to France to take part in Paris Air Show 2005 in Le Bourget on June 12, this year. Roscosmos will have a wide exposition with participation of the leading Russian space industries such as the Khrunichev Space Centre, TsSKB Progress (Samara), the Korolev RSC Energia, NPO-Lavochkin, the Barmin KBOM, the Reshetnev NPO PM (Krasnoyarsk), the Glushko NPO Energomash, TsENKI and many others.

The delegation with Roscosmos leader Anatoly Perminov at the head will take part in a ceremonial opening of Le Bourget Air Show 2005. French president Jacques Chirac will be present at the ceremony.

Each working day will be full of meetings and negotiations for Roscosmos leaders. In particular there will be meetings with heads of space agencies of France, the USA, China, Japan, Brazil, and Italy in frame of bilateral negotiations, and on 16th June, heads of all space agencies will have round-table talks at the 7th European Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Space.

Roscosmos Head Anatoly Perminov will also have a number of meetings with chiefs of space industries of French, Germany, the USA, Italy, and Great Britain.

Roscosmos leaders will be available for Russian and foreign mass-media representatives every day.

On 17th June, Anatoly Perminov will finish his works at the Air Show and return to Moscow.