Two Russian telecommunication satellites Yamal-200 have been launched. They were built and manufactured at S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia based on the multi-purpose satellite bus, the first version of which has been in operation on geostationary within Yamal-100 satellite since September 6, 1999.

Yamal-200 satellites to be placed into 90 deg.E and 49 deg.E geostationary orbit slots, respectively, are designed for transmission of large amounts of data between regions of Russian Federation and former Soviet Union in the interests of the Gasprom company and other users, including TV broadcasts.

The mass of SC-1 is 1360 kg, the mass of SC-2 is 1320 kg. The satellites are designed to operate in orbit for more than 12 years.

The launch of the Proton-Yamal integrated launch vehicle consisting of Proton-K launch vehicle (LV), the space upper stage of the Block DM-type as the fourth stage and a satellite stack of two spacecraft Yamal-200 took place at 9 hours 22 minutes Moscow time.