From February 20 to 22, Canadian media will have a chance to witness and take footage of David Saint-Jacques’ NASA training. They are invited to the Johnson Space Center, where Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut David Saint-Jacques is preparing for his upcoming mission to the International Space Station (ISS), Expedition 58/59, which is scheduled to begin in November 2018.

Places are limited and subject to NASA’s approval. All interested media members must contact the CSA Media Relations Office in order to begin the NASA accreditation process, which involves filling out a form and providing a PDF of their passport. The required information must be sent to the CSA by end of day on January 18.

February 20–22, 2018

Acquire footage of training activities in various locations* such as the Active Response Gravity Offload System, the Virtual Reality Laboratory, the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, the Exercise Countermeasures Laboratory, as well as the real-size ISS mock-ups where astronauts familiarize themselves with the Station’s systems and emergency procedures.