Evry, France,May 19, 2004–

The Optus D1 launch contract signed last week marks the first time the Launch Services Alliance mission assurance option was incorporated into a contract at signing.

After competitive bidding from all launch services providers, Australian telecommunications carrier Optus chose an Ariane 5 as the primary vehicle with the Sea Launch Zenit-3SL as the backup.

“This contract proves what we have been saying all along,” remarked Jim Maser, President and General Manager of Sea Launch. “Customers want flexibility and responsiveness, and the Launch Services Alliance uniquely meets that need.”

“After the proven successful collaboration for the DIRECTV 7S launch, we are proud to have the opportunity to work with Sea Launch again,” said Arianespace CEO Jean-Yves Le Gall.

The satellite will receive dual-integration efforts, so that if the backup arrangement is activated, the operator will still have the desired launch window at the end of 2005.

About the Launch ServicesAlliance

Created in July 2003, the Launch Services Alliance combines the strengths of the world’s leading commercial launch providers Arianespace, Boeing Launch Services and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to provide customers with flexible, reliable and on-time delivery to orbit.

About Sea Launch

Sea Launch Company, LLC, headquartered inLong Beach,Calif., and marketed through BLS (www.boeing.com/launch), offers the most direct and cost-effective route to geostationary orbit for dedicated commercial launches in the heavy-lift range. With the advantage of a launch site on the Equator, the reliable Zenit-3SL rocket can lift a heavier spacecraft mass or provide longer life on orbit, offering best value plus schedule assurance. For additional information, go to: www.sea-launch.com.

About Arianespace

Arianespace is the commercial launch services leader, holding more than 50 percent of the international market for satellites launched to geostationary transfer orbit (GTO). Created in 1980 as the world’s first commercial space transportation company, Arianespace has signed contracts for the launch of more than 250 satellite payloads. For further information, see the Arianespace Web site at www.arianespace.com.