The ESA/NASA Cassini/Huygens mission (*), launched in October 1997, is
currently heading for Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. The ESA probe Huygens
will be the first ever to land on the surface of a moon in the outer Solar
System, and as it does so, the NASA Cassini orbiter will continue to explore
Saturn and its rings.

On 1 July CEST (30 June Pacific Daylight Time), after a journey of almost
seven years and four gravity-assist swing-by manoeuvres, the spacecraft will
be inserted into its orbit around Saturn and will reach its closest approach
to the planet. The Huygens probe will be detached from the mother ship on 25
December and is due to land on Titan in January next year.

The Saturn orbit insertion event can be followed at ESA’s European Space
Operations Centre (ESOC) at Darmstadt, Germany, on 1 July, from 05:00 to
09:00. Several project representatives will be present. The event can also
be followed at ESA HQ in Paris and at ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, in Italy. At each
site, ESA specialists will be available for interviews.

Those wishing to attend are asked to complete the attached reply form and
fax it to the communications office at the establishment of their choice.
The ESA TV service will provide extensive live coverage of all international
press conferences, the orbital insertion operations on the night of 30 June
to 1 July, and the presentation of the first images and results at JPL. All
transmission and satellite details are published online and will be
continuously updated at

The ESA live TV line transmission of the orbital insertion will also be
transmitted on Astra 2C, the satellite reception details being as follows:

  • Astra 2C at 19 degrees East
  • Transponder 57, horizontal, MPEG-2, MCPC
  • Frequency 10832 MHz, Symbol rate 22000 MS/sec. FEC=5/6.

(*) The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperation between NASA, ESA
(European Space Agency) and ASI (Italian Space Agency). The Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in
Pasadena, is managing the mission for NASA’s Office of Space Science,

For further information, please contact:

  • ESA Media Relations Division
  • Tel: +33(0)
  • Fax: +33(0)