April 19, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of Canadarm2. In celebration of this milestone, Steve MacLean, President of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), will host a virtual media event. While in space, Canadarm2 was used to assemble the majority of the modules and major components of the International Space Station (ISS) and is routinely used to move supplies, equipment and even astronauts.

Media representatives are invited to connect to the link below to listen to the statement and write their question in the conversation window. Adobe connect is available via smart phone and Android applications.

WHEN: April 19, 2011

TIME: 11 a.m.

WHAT: Statement from Steve MacLean, President of the CSA
Statement from Chris Hadfield, CSA astronaut
Question and answer session

WHERE: http://csa.adobeconnect.com/media-canadarm2/

You must register as a guest
You must identify yourself this way:
Affiliation – media (precise radio/TV/web…) – city -name

To schedule interviews with CSA spokespeople, please contact CSA Media Relations at 450-926-4370.