David Saint-Jacques will be the first Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut to participate in the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Cooperative Adventure for Valuing and Exercising human behavior and performance Skills (CAVES). This training prepares astronauts to work safely and effectively and solve problems as a multicultural team while exploring uncharted areas using space procedures.

Along with 5 other international astronauts, David Saint-Jacques will live and work in caves in Sardinia, Italy. The training is from September 2 to 14 and includes a week of briefings and preparation before the crew can begin the six-day underground mission. This type of training replicates the same exploration conditions of the International Space Station. The astronauts will have to work in confined spaces, with minimal privacy, technical challenges and limited equipment and supplies for hygiene and comfort – just like in space.

David Saint-Jacques will have limited time for phone interviews before and after his training.

WHAT: Phone interview opportunities

WHO: David Saint-Jacques, CSA astronaut

WHEN: September 6 to 14, 2012 (limited time for phone interviews)

HOW: Please contact the CSA media relations’ team to explore the possibilities.

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Canadian Space Agency
Media Relations’ Office
(450) 926-4370