Lockheed Martin Space Systems added 11 more companies to its team in pursuit of a massive missile defense contract, including Alliant Techsystems (ATK) Aerospace Systems, Harris Corp. and five Huntsville, Ala.-based firms, the company announced Aug. 17.

Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Lockheed Martin is assembling a team to challenge incumbent contractor Boeing Defense, Space & Security of St. Louis to continue the development and sustainment of the nation’s primary strategic missile shield. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency is soon expected to release the final request for proposals for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) Development and Sustainment Contract, which will be worth approximately $600 million annually for up to 10 years, the agency has said.

Lockheed Martin previously announced it would team with Raytheon Co., Alaska Aerospace and NANA Development Corp. In addition to ATK and Harris, Lockheed announced it would bring in Huntsville firms Dynetics Inc., QuantiTech Inc., Ares Corp., Cohesion Force Inc. and IroquoiSystems Inc., said Mat Joyce, Lockheed Martin’s GMD vice president, during a media briefing. Bechtel National Inc., Imprimis Inc., Oregon Iron Works Inc. and TDX Power Inc. are also aligned with Lockheed, he said.

Boeing in June announced it would partner with Northrop Grumman Corp. for the GMD contract. Boeing has been responsible for the development, operations and sustainment of the GMD system since its inception in 1998. Officials from Raytheon, QuantiTech and Dynetics said their firms will team with both Lockheed Martin and Boeing.