Inmarsat is once again supporting World Space Week, the annual international celebration of space science and technology which takes place on 4-10 October.

This year’s series of events in countries all around the world will look at ‘Discovery’, highlighting the great strides we have taken over the last decade in understanding the universe we live in.

Discoveries like those made by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission, which saw the first landing of a probe on a comet. Inmarsat is powering communications from the Rosetta spacecraft and robot probe Philae as they transmit images and critical scientific data from the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, 500 million km away.

Pushing boundaries

Back here on Earth, the launch of Global Xpress – the world’s first globally available, high speed broadband network from a single operator – means Inmarsat is pushing the boundaries of discovery still further.

“We are delighted to support World Space Week and its theme of discovery,” said Rupert Pearce, CEO Inmarsat.

“The way we use communications technology to work, live, play and learn is evolving at a tremendous pace. From communications in deep space to giving people in the remotest regions on the planet access to high-speed broadband, Inmarsat is powering discovery every day.”

Journey of discovery

World Space Week was declared by the United Nations in 1999. Today it is the largest event of its kind, bringing together space agencies and organisations with schools, planetaria, museums and astronomy clubs to encourage a wealth of educational and outreach activities. Last year, more than 1,400 events were held in 80 countries.

Find out more about our satellite communications and how they are taking people on a journey of discovery everyday in our starter guide brochure, produced especially for World Space Week, which can be downloaded here:

For more information about World Space Week events visit