Media are invited to attend two
presentations by Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Julie Payette on Wednesday,
January 16, 2002.

At noon, Julie Payette will speak to guests of the Canadian Club about the
construction of the International Space Station. This luncheon will take
place in the Grand Salon B of the Wyndham Hotel, 1255 Jeanne-Mance St.,
MontrŽal. Ms. Payette will be available for interviews after the conference.

At 7:00 p.m. members of Ç La RŽgionale des ingŽnieurs de MontrŽal È will
discover a multi-talented engineer, as Julie Payette will talk about her
career and her experience in space. This dinner will take place in Salon
Mont Blanc of the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 475 Sherbrooke St. West,