On-line registration to attend the Exploration Canada 2006 Workshop is now open, available on the Canadian Space Agency’s website at www.space.gc.ca/exp2006. Here you will also find instructions for responding to the Call for Ideas and submitting abstracts for poster presentations, as well as information about travel and accommodation, student poster awards, exhibit requests, and more. Kindly note that the deadline for submitting ideas and abstracts is September 24th, 2006. Should you have questions regarding the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact us at exp2006@space.gc.ca.

Critical Dates:

  • September 23rd: Deadline for hotel reservations at preferred rates
  • September 24th: Deadline to submit responses to the Call for Ideas
  • September 24th: Deadline to submit abstracts for Poster Presentations
  • September 24th: Deadline to submit exhibit requests
  • October 6th: Deadline for workshop registration
  • October 17th-18th: Exploration Canada 2006 Workshop

We hope you will be able to participate in Exploration Canada 2006, and look forward to welcoming you at the John H. Chapman Space Centre on October 17th and 18th.