Dear colleagues,

We invite you to join us in Sudbury, Ontario, for a workshop entitled “Comparative Planetology: From Lab, to Field, to Payload” (, 14-17th June 2007.

The goals of the workshop are to (1) to establish links and and further collaborations between the Canadian Solid Earth Sciences and Planetary Sciences communities, and (2) to identify key research strengths in Canadian Space Sciences, which can be developed for new avenues of funding by the Canadian Space Agency and NSERC. The workshop will be divided into three main themes:

  • Field-based Analogue Studies
  • Lab-based Analyses, Modeling & Experiments
  • Payload Development

The workshop will be held in conjunction with a Geological Association of Canada sponsored NUNA conference entitled “The Pulse of the Earth”, and include joint sessions between the two meetings. We expect the Comparative Planetology workshop to be a vital stepping stone in establishing a distinctive Canadian program of planetary science, building on traditional Canadian strengths in Earth sciences research.

Best regards,

Organizing Committee for “Comparative Planetology: From the Field to Lab to Payload”

Paul Sylvester, Ph.D.
Department of Earth Sciences and Inco Innovation Centre
Memorial University

Penny King, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario

Gordon “Oz” Osinski, Ph.D.
Visiting Fellow
Space Sciences
Canadian Space Agency
Christopher Herd, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta