Three Canadian university
students were recently awarded prestigious scientific scholarships by the
Canadian Space Agency’s Space Science Program to participate in summer
training programs at NASA facilities in Florida and California.

Erin Everett, from Acadia University in Nova Scotia, was chosen as the
2003 recipient of the CSA’s Space Exploration Astrobiology Scholarship. Ms.
Everett will participate in the NASA Astrobiology Academy, a ten-week summer
internship at the Ames Research Center in California. The Academy affords
students the opportunity to gain an understanding of what makes a space
mission possible by participating in a mentorship program, individual
research, a rigorous lecture series, and a group project.

Basil Hubbard, from the University of Ottawa, and Deepti Damaraju, from
the University of Alberta, were selected to receive the CSA’s 2003 Spaceflight
and Life Sciences Training Program Scholarship allowing them to take part in a
six-week program held at the John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida. They
will participate in the conceptualization, preparation, pre- and post-flight
testing, data analysis and report preparation phases of simulated space flight
experiments, as well as in NASA Life Sciences research.

For more information on the Spaceflight and Life Sciences Training
Program Scholarship:

For more information on the Space Exploration Astrobiology Scholarship:

About the Canadian Space Agency

Established in 1989 with its headquarters situated in Saint-Hubert,
Quebec, the Canadian Space Agency coordinates all aspects of the Canadian
Space Program. Through its Space Knowledge, Applications and Industry
Development business lines, the CSA delivers services involving: Earth and the
Environment; Space Science; Human Presence in Space; Satellite Communications;
Space Technology; Space Qualification Services; and Space Awareness and
Education. The Canadian Space Agency is at the forefront of the development
and application of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and humanity.


Ms. Erin Everett is currently completing the fourth year of her Bachelor
of Science Degree in Honours Biology at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova
Scotia. She received a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC) award to support her honours research project that focused on
the evolutionary genetics and sperm fitness of blue mussels.

Mr. Basil Hubbard is currently completing his second year in Honours
Biochemistry at the University of Ottawa. Upon completion of his undergraduate
degree, he hopes to pursue graduate studies in either medicine or biochemical
research. As a recipient of the University of Ottawa’s Undergraduate Research
Scholarship for the past two years, Basil Hubbard has gained valuable research
experience in the area of supramolecular assemblies.

Ms. Deepti Damaraju is currently completing her second year in General
Sciences at the University of Alberta and hopes to pursue a career in medicine
and medical research. She has also received two Alberta Heritage Foundation
for Medical Research (AHFMR) awards, and a Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council (NSERC) award for her research accomplishments.

For further information: Monique Billette, Senior Media Relations
Officer, Canadian Space Agency, (450) 926-4370,