Abstract and Call for Ideas Submission Deadline: November 18, 2008

The CSEW6 scientific organising committee is delighted to invite the submission of Ideas and Poster Abstracts under the CSEW6 theme of “Canadian Scientific Priorities for the Global Exploration Strategy”.

Under the theme “Canadian Scientific Priorities for the Global Exploration Strategy” this workshop will allow the Canadian space exploration community to present and discuss ideas for Canada’s scientific priorities for the Global Exploration Strategy (GES). The Canadian Space Agency’s interests in solar system science are broader than those defined in GES, but GES opportunities motivate a focus for discussions at this time.

Workshop discussions are intended to lead to the creation of a document describing Canadian scientific priorities relevant to the GES. This document will be published on the CSA website, and may be published in a scientific journal. The Canadian Space Agency will assess this output to help Canada take best advantage of scientific opportunities presented by GES to fulfill goals of the Government of Canada’s Science and Technology Strategy.

Program Overview

In May 2007, the Global Exploration Strategy (GES), a new international framework for co-ordination of exploration activities, was launched, indicating interest by 14 space agencies, including the Canadian Space Agency, in developing new partnerships towards the exploration of the Moon, Mars and beyond. The GES presents a vision for robotic and human exploration focusing on destinations within the solar system where we may one day live and work.

In light of the opportunities presented by GES, the 6th Canadian Space Exploration Workshop (CSEW6) will provide a forum where scientists, researchers and students from the planetary exploration, space astronomy, solar-terrestrial sciences, space life sciences, space physical sciences and operational space medicine communities can come together to consider Canadian scientific priorities for space exploration that fall under the umbrella of GES objectives, namely:

** Scientific exploration of Mars
** Scientific exploration of the Moon and asteroids.
** Scientific research using the Moon as a platform.
** Scientific research that will enable future human exploration of the Moon and beyond.

Workshop Format & Preliminary Program

CSEW6 is planned around discussion-based breakout sessions. This workshop is intended to be a working meeting that will make significant steps forward in generating a scientific priorities document.

December 1st, 2008
08:00 Registration opens, Poster setup
09:00 Plenary Session 1 – Agency perspectives
13:00 Lunch (cafeteria)
14:30 Plenary Session 2 – Opening statements from session chairs & task description
17:30 Invited presentation – Phoenix Mars mission; Poster session, Cash Bar
19:30 Close of day

December 2nd, 2008
09:00 Break-out session 1
13:00 Lunch (cafeteria)
14:30 Break-out session 2
17:00 Close of day

December 3rd, 2008
09:00 Plenary session 3 – Summaries from session chairs
12:00 Panel discussion (session chairs, CSA)
13:00 Lunch (cafeteria)
14:00 Closing comments, Next steps & call for volunteers to help session chairs with Science Priorities document write-up
15:30 Close of workshop
15:30 Post-workshop meetings, as may be required for DWG’s or others; please contact us at csew6@space.gc.ca as soon as possible if meeting space is desired.

Call for Ideas

The Call for Ideas is the main channel for individuals to communicate ideas for discussion. Accepted ideas will be published with the CSEW6 workshop program. The Call for Ideas is open to the broad exploration community. International responses highlighting potential collaborations are very welcome!

Your responses to the workshop’s Call for Ideas will help the Scientific Organizing Committee determine the final format of the breakout sessions and serve as a basis for discussions therein.

To be published with the workshop program, ideas must be submitted to csew6 < AT > space.gc.ca using the attached Excel template by November 18th 2008. The template includes detailed instructions.

You are also encouraged to contact the relevant member of the scientific organizing committee to begin discussions on prioritization for your scientific discipline in advance of the workshop, in order to make best use of face to face time.

Scientific Organizing Committee
(Where indicated, the organizing committee member is also Chair of a CSA-funded Discipline Working Group (DWG))

Dr Mike Dixon (CSEW6 chair)
Advanced Life Support(DWG)
mdixon < AT > ces.uoguelph.ca
(519) 824-4120, ext. 52555

Dr Lyle Whyte
Astrobiology (DWG)
lyle.whyte < AT > mcgill.ca

Dr Chris Herd
Astromaterials (DWG)
herd < AT > ualberta.ca
780- 492-5798

Dr Dave Hart
Life Sciences
hartd < AT > ucalgary.ca
403- 220-4571

Dr James Drummond
Mars Atmosphere (DWG)
james.drummond < AT > dal.ca

Dr Joan Saary
Operational Space Medicine
joan.saary < AT > utoronto.ca

Dr Janet Elliot
Physical Sciences
janet.elliott < AT > ualberta.ca
780- 492-7963

Dr Paul Sylvestor
Planetary Geology/Geophysics
pauls < AT > esd.mun.ca

Dr Anthony Walker
Radiation (DWG)
Anthony.Waker < AT > uoit.ca
905.721.8668 ext. 3441

Dr Martin Beech
Small bodies (DWG)
beechm < AT > leroy.cc.uregina.ca

Dr Andrew Yau
Solar-Terrestrial Sciences
yau < AT > space.phys.ucalgary.ca

Dr Paul Hickson
Space Astronomy
hickson < AT > physics.ubc.ca

In the afternoon plenary of the first day, each organizing committee member will be invited to present a starting point for discussions which will be based on both Ideas received and discussions of the DWG, where the organizing committee member is a DWG Chair.

Poster Session

Posters provide an important means for participants to elaborate concepts and highlight current research results relevant to the workshop theme, Canadian Science Priorities for the Global Exploration Strategy.

Posters will remain on display for the duration of the workshop, and a dedicated poster session will be held the evening of December 1st. Each poster author will be allocated a 3′ x 3′ space and will be displayed on freestanding panels.

Please submit poster abstracts by email using the Word template attached by November 18th, indicating in your email how the abstract relates to the Global Exploration Strategy:

** Scientific exploration of Mars
** Scientific exploration of the Moon and asteroids.
** Scientific research using the Moon as a platform.
** Scientific research that will enable future human exploration of the Moon and beyond

The abstracts will be distributed at the workshop and later made available on the CSA website.

You will be sent an e-mail confirming that your submission has been received within five business days. If you encounter a problem, please write to csew6@space.gc.ca or contact Lisa Gilbert at (450) 926-4767.

Student Travel Grants

The Canadian Space Agency is pleased to offer subsidies to Canadian students to help defray travel costs to Montreal, meals and accommodations. Any costs incurred beyond the amount of the subsidy are the responsibility of the student.

Should the number of applications exceed available funding, priority will be given to those applicants who have an idea or abstract accepted for the workshop and will be treated on a first-come first-considered basis.

In order to apply for a grant, download and complete the subsidy application form. Send the completed application form, with proof that you are both a Canadian citizen and will be a student at the time of the workshop to:

Space Learning Program
Canadian Space Agency
6767 Route de l’Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, Québec J3Y 8Y9

* Please note that in order for your subsidy request to be accepted, you must clearly demonstrate in the application form that the main purpose for your attending this workshop is the learning opportunity it presents (must be specific).

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at jason.clement < AT > space.gc.ca

Student Poster Award

Participating students are welcome to enter their work in a Student Poster Competition. A panel of judges will evaluate student entries, and awards will be presented to the winners during the course of the workshop. To enter, simply indicate your wish to be included in the Student Poster Competition in your email when submitting your abstract.

Workshop Venue

CSEW6 will be held in the Conference Center of the John H. Chapman Space Centre, headquarters of the Canadian Space Agency:

Canadian Space Agency
6767 Route de l’Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, Québec J3Y 8Y9

Travel and Accommodation

Workshop participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements and costs, hotel room guarantees and costs, as well as meals, beverages and all other services that may be purchased. A cafeteria is available on-site.

Parking at the Canadian Space Agency is free, although somewhat limited. If there is sufficient interest, a shuttle service may be arranged to operate between the CSA and the Holiday Inn Montreal Midtown, bringing delegates to the workshop venue at the start of the day and returning them to the hotel in the evening; note that this shuttle, if provided, would be available to all workshop participants.

When completing the on-line registration form, please indicate your willingness to use the proposed shuttle service by reserving your seat.

The following hotel has provided a block of rooms at a preferred rate for workshop participants; please mention that you are attending CSEW6 at the Canadian Space Agency when booking your accommodations. Reservations must be made by November 14, 2008, after which date rooms will be released for general sale by the hotel at going rates.

Holiday Inn Montreal Midtown
CSEW6 special rate: $115.00 per night (tax extra)
Travel time to CSA: Approximately 30 minutes.
Hotel Reservations: (514) 842-6111 (toll free, 1-877-660-8550) or himidtown@rosdevhotels.com
Address: 420 Sherbrooke Street West,Montréal, Quebec H3A 1B4
Website: http://www.rosdevhotels.com


There are no registration fees to attend CSEW6; however, pre-registration is required for logistical planning purposes. Seating is limited, so please register online as soon as possible to ensure your place at this workshop.

The deadline to register is November 20th, 2008.

You will receive confirmation of your registration via email within five working days. Should you require assistance, please write to us at: csew6@space.gc.ca .

The CSEW6 workshop web site (http://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/CSEW) provides additional reference material, logistics information and On-line registration.