The Canadian Space Agency is launching a series of space events around the 55th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) that will call Vancouver its home and spaceport from October 4 to 8,
2004. The Agency and its partners-the City of Vancouver, MacDonald Dettwiler
and Associates and the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre-will gather in Vancouver
to champion Canada’s leadership role in space for participants from around
the world.

The Canadian Space Agency will also be present in the community supporting a
number of presentations, activities and announcements that are sure to be of
interest to families, students and educators. All this is part of
Vancouver’s SpaceFest activities! What a great opportunity for the citizens
of Vancouver to see how the Agency is working to expand and apply the
knowledge of space science, technology and exploration for the benefit of
all Canadians.

Media are invited to attend the following events to learn more on Canada’s
leading role in space. Be part of Space Week . . . join us in Vancouver!

Monday, October 4, 2004

10:00 to 11:30 a.m. PDT – IAC Opening Ceremony at the Orpheum Theatre (700
Seymour Street)

Host Julie Payette, CSA astronaut, will welcome about 1900 delegates from
over 45 countries as the official opening ceremony, filled with special
effects and performers, launches the 55th International Astronautical

1:30 to 2:00 p.m. PDT – Heads of Agencies Plenary at the Vancouver
Convention Centre, (999 Canada Place, suite 200)

Join heads of the world’s leading space agencies, such as Dr. Marc Garneau,
CSA, Sean O’Keefe, NASA, Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA, and Shuichiro
Yamanouchi, JAXA, and special guest moderator, James Cameron, Canadian film
producer, as they discuss the future of space exploration.

3:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT – International students meet with Heads of Agencies
at the Vancouver Convention Centre (999 Canada Place, suite 200)

Over 160 students from around the globe are being sponsored by space
agencies to present their work at IAC. These students will have a unique
opportunity to address world space leaders to discuss their vision for the
future and how they, as the next space generation, can get involved. Don’t
miss it!

7:00 to 8:00 p.m. PDT: Public presentation by Canadian Space Agency
Astronaut Chris Hadfield at the IMAX Theatre (Vancouver Convention Centre,
999 Canada Place)

Prior to watching an incredible film by IMAX about the International Space
Station, first Canadian spacewalker, CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield, will
comment on what it is really like to work in and outside the space station.
Be there!

Tuesday, October 5, 2004

11:30 a.m. to noon PDT – Celebration of 25 years of Canada-ESA cooperation
at the Vancouver Convention Centre (999 Canada Place, suite 200)

As the only non-European country to be a member of the European Space
Agency, the CSA is extremely proud to celebrate 25 years of close
collaboration, which has led to outstanding accomplishments. Join space
agency heads Dr. Marc Garneau and Jean-Jacques Dordain as they mark this
important milestone in our space history!

7:00 to 8:00 p.m. PDT – CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s Highlight Lecture at
the H. R. MacMillan Space Centre (1100 Chestnut Street)

Don’t miss Canada’s first spacewalker, CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield, as he
gives a powerful visual presentation on his latest mission. On this mission,
Astronaut Hadfield had the opportunity to float in space as he worked to
install Canada’s contribution to the International Space Station, Canadarm2.

7:00 to 8:00 p.m. PDT – Public presentation by Canadian Space Agency Chief
Astronaut Julie Payette at the IMAX Theatre (Vancouver Convention Centre,
999 Canada Place)

The Canadian Space Agency is pleased to offer the citizens of Vancouver an
opportunity to meet our Chief Astronaut, Julie Payette. Come hear what Julie
Payette has to say about the International Space Station as the first
Canadian to set foot inside it back in 1999!

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PDT: 20th Anniversary of Canadian Human Presence in
Space at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre (1100 Chestnut Street)

Twenty years ago, Canadians looked up to the stars with pride as one
Canadian did what no other Canadian had done: travel into space. In October
1984, Marc Garneau became the first Canadian to leave Earth and experience
the vastness of space. Join Dr. Marc Garneau and astronauts Julie Payette,
Chris Hadfield and Bjarni Tryggvason, with over 250 students and many
special guests to commemorate this special moment in our history.

Thursday, October 7, 2004

3:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT – Canadian Satellite Anik F2 Press Briefing at the
Vancouver Convention Centre (999 Canada Place, suite 200)

Canada’s Telesat Anik F2 satellite, launched on July 17, 2004, is an
innovative, high-speed, Ku-, C-, and Ka-Band, multimedia telecommunications
satellite. It is the key element of the Government of Canada’s National
Satellite Initiative. This initiative aims to use Ka-band technology, to
deliver low-cost, interactive wireless broadband Internet connections and
telemedicine, teleteaching, teleworking and e-commerce services to Canadians
living in the most remote regions of our country. Come learn more about this
leading-edge Canadian telecommunications satellite and the partnership that
has made it possible!

7:00 to 8:00 p.m. PDT – Public presentation by Canadian Space Agency
Astronaut Chris Hadfield at the IMAX Theatre (Vancouver Convention Centre,
999 Canada Place)

Don’t miss your last chance to meet and talk with Canadian Astronaut Chris
Hadfield! As Canada’s first spacewalker, Astronaut Hadfield, will comment on
what it is really like to visit the International Space Station.

For more information on any of these events or to reserve interviews, please

Carole Duval
Media Relations, Canadian Space Agency
Tel.: (450) 926-4370
Cell. (514) 241-2781

CSA Web site:
ICA Web site: