Saint-Hubert, Quebec, October 5, 2001 – Next Tuesday, October 9, Canadian
Space Agency Astronaut Robert Thirsk will launch a unique space-based
e-learning initiative, known as Space for Species, with a group of grade 6
students from Riverview Alternative School in Ottawa. Space for Species is
an Internet based project that provides students from across the nation with
access to space-based technology to help them learn about species

A special tribute in honor of the species at risk will be performed by Mr.
Bill Helin, a Tsimshian Indian artist.

This project is being lead by the Canadian Space Agency, the Canadian
Wildlife Service of Environment Canada, the Canadian Wildlife Federation and
Natural Resources Canada’s Canada Centre for Remote Sensing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2001

10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Canada and the World Pavilion
Salon des Chutes Rideau
50 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario

Marlene Catterall, Liberal MP of Ottawa West-Nepean and Whip for the
Colin Maxwell, Executive Vice-President, Canadian Wildlife Federation
Dr. Robert Thirsk, Canadian Space Agency Astronaut

Mr. Bill Helin – a Tsimshian Indian artist born on the Northwest coast of
British Columbia, Canada
and the creator of the artwork for the Space for Species project
Mr. Roger St.Louis, Regional Manager, TD Friends of the Environment
Mrs. Christine McLaughlin and her 22 students from Riverview Alternative
School in Ottawa

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For more information:

Carole Duval
Media Relations Office
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-4370
Fax: (450) 926-4352