Ottawa, December 12, 2002 – Allan Rock, Minister of Industry and Minister
responsible for the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), today announced that
Canadian Astronaut Dr. Dave Williams will take part, as crewmember, in an
historic flight to the International Space Station scheduled for launch in
November 2003.

The crew of mission STS-118 (13A.1), to which Astronaut Williams is
assigned, will work to bring the International Space Station closer to
completion, adding a truss segment and solar panels.

“The selection of Doctor Williams for this flight reflects on the excellent
reputation of our astronaut corps,” said Minister Rock. “Canadian
astronauts, engineers and scientists as well as Canadian technology are
playing a key role in the construction and use of the International Space
Station, a unique laboratory where science and innovation are contributing
to enhancing our quality of life.”

“It is a privilege and an honour to take part in such a prominent mission,”
said Dr. Dave Williams. “I am particularly pleased with the opportunity to
perform a spacewalk and to be part of a mission that will have an important
educational component.” Dave Williams last flew in 1998 as Mission
Specialist aboard Space Shuttle Columbia. During the 16-day flight, called
Neurolab, the seven-person crew served as both experiment subjects and
operators for 26 individual life science experiments.

“The Canadian team of astronauts, including Dave Williams, is playing a
significant role in the development and promotion of science in our country
and he is an inspiration for our youth,” said Marc Garneau, President of the
CSA. “Despite the astronauts’ heavy training schedule, they willingly travel
across the country to meet with young Canadians to inspire them and show
them that with perseverance it is possible to reach one’s objectives, to
fulfill one’s dreams.”

Dave Williams graduated from McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, with a
Master of Science from the Physiology Department, a Doctorate of Medicine
and a Master of Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine. He obtained a
fellowship in Emergency Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada, following completion of a residency in Emergency
Medicine at the University of Toronto. He is a Fellow of the Royal College
of Physicians and Surgeons and the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
He recently returned to active astronaut status following a four-year
assignment as Director of the NASA Space and Life Sciences Directorate at
the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

About the Canadian Space Agency

Established in 1989 with its headquarters situated in Saint-Hubert, Quebec,
the Canadian Space Agency coordinates all aspects of the Canadian Space
Program. Through its Space Knowledge, Applications and Industry Development
business line, the CSA delivers services involving: Earth and the
Environment; Space Science; Human Presence in Space; Satellite
Communications; Space Technology; Space Qualification Services; Space
Awareness and Education. The Canadian Space Agency is at the forefront of
the development and application of space knowledge for the benefit of
Canadians and humanity.

For more information:
Monique Billette
Senior Media Relations Officer
Canadian Space Agency
(450) 926-4370
(514) 914-5453 (cel.)

Selena Beattie
Press Secretary
Office of Allan Rock
Minister of Industry
(613) 995-9001