Saint-Hubert, 27 April 2001 – The Canadian Handshake and the Crew News
Conference will now take place tomorrow, Saturday, April 28.

Media Program

Saturday, April 28 (Flight Day 10)

  • Early morning (times to be confirmed): Canadarm2 hands its pallet back to
    the Shuttle’s Canadarm.
  • 2:41 p.m. EDT: Crew News Conference live from space with the Mission
    STS-100 crew, including CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield, and the ISS Expedition
    Two crew held at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) headquarters in
    Saint-Hubert, Quebec. A limited number of Canadian media will have the
    opportunity to ask a question.
  • Afternoon (time to be confirmed): NASA Status Briefing on the day’s
    activities. The CSA’s Benoit Marcotte, Director of Operations Engineering,
    will participate in the briefing. Media are invited to attend at the CSA
    headquarters and may ask questions.

    Canadian Space Agency Chris Hadfield will be at the controls of the shuttle
    robotic arm, Canadarm, and ISS crew member Susan Helms will command the
    Canadarm2 during the handover of the space pallet.

    CSA spokespersons will be available for interviews at the Johnson Space
    Center in Houston, Texas and at the CSA headquarters in Saint-Hubert,

    Note that these times are subject to change. Please call the CSA Media
    Relations Office to confirm time.

    For live coverage, media can log on to the NASA TV satellite on GE-2,
    Transponder 9C at 85 degrees West longitude, vertical polarization, with a
    frequency of 3880 MHz and audio of 6.8 MHz. In cooperation with
    Sympatico-Lycos, the CSA also brings you mission highlights live from NASA
    TV at:


    For more information, contact:
    Media Relations Office, CSA
    Tel.: (450) 926-4345 or 4370 / Fax: (450) 926-4352

    Mission STS-100 Website: