The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) invites media
to attend CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s last press briefing before the
launch of the upcoming mission STS-100. The conference will take place on
April 9, 2001. Hadfield will become the first Canadian to perform a
spacewalk this coming April.

Media can also learn more about Canadarm2 by attending a technical briefing
on Canada’s next generation robotic arm given by CSA’s Chris Lorenz,
Manager, Mission Operations and CSA Astronaut Julie Payette.

Both events will be held at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas
but media can also attend at the CSA headquarters in Saint-Hubert, Quebec.

>From JSC

Media may attend the briefings at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston,
Texas. Media interested in attending the conferences at JSC must inform the
CSA before April 4, 2001 at noon and complete the attached accreditation

>From CSA

The press briefings will be broadcast live via satellite at the CSA
headquarters in Saint-Hubert, Quebec. Media at CSA will have the opportunity
to ask questions during the briefings. Those interested in attending the
press conferences in Saint-Hubert must advise the CSA before
Friday, April 6, 2001 at noon.

Mission STS-100’s Pre-Flight Press Conferences, April 9, 2001

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. EDT: Spacewalk Briefing (Canadian media at the CSA may ask

1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT: Canadarm2 Technical Briefing (Canadian media at the CSA
may ask questions)

3:00-4:00 p.m. EDT: STS-100 Crew News Conference (Canadian media at the CSA
may ask questions)

6:30 – 7:30 p.m. EDT: Possibility of short telephone interviews with Chris
Hadfield. Media representatives who wish to interview Hadfield must advise
the CSA before Friday, April 6, 2001 at noon.

CSA spokespersons will be available in Saint-Hubert for questions and
interviews. MD Robotics, the prime contractor of Canadarm2, will also have
spokespersons present. Copies of the CSA’s STS-100 press kit will be
available on site, as well as B-Roll and a CD-Rom with past and recent
photos of Hadfield. This information will also be available on the CSA’s
Website (; click on “Media Zone”).

Note: NASA TV programming could change if the launch of the 2001 Mars
Odyssey spacecraft, currently scheduled for April 7, 2001, is delayed by
weather or other factors. If so, coverage of the launch will pre-empt the
pre-flight briefing, which will be broadcast later in the day on April 9,
2001. However, the time and date of the briefing will not be changed, and a
live audio link will be available.

About Mission STS-100

The Space Shuttle Endeavour is currently slated for lift-off from the
Kennedy Space Center on April 19, 2001 at 2:41 p.m. EDT (time to be
confirmed). The mission will feature the delivery and installation of
Canada’s main element of its contribution to the International Space
Station, Canadarm2. The deployment of Canadarm2 will be the most intricate
space robotics operation ever conducted. In the process, Chris Hadfield will
become the first Canadian ever to perform a space walk and float freely in
the vacuum of space.

About the CSA

Established in 1989 with its headquarters situated in Saint-Hubert, Quebec,
the Canadian Space Agency coordinates all aspects of the Canadian Space
Program. Through its Space Knowledge, Applications and Industry Development
business line, the CSA delivers services involving: Earth and the
Environment; Space Science; Human Presence in Space; Satellite
Communications; Generic Space Technologies; Space Qualification Services and
Awareness. The Canadian Space Agency is at the forefront of the development
and application of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and

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For more information, and to confirm your attendance, contact:

CSA Media Relations Office
Canadian Space Agency
Tel.: (450) 926-4345 or 4370
Fax.: (514) 943-4352

STS-100 Mission Website: