Canada is a vast country with unique weather patterns that create challenges for communities from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Today the Honorable Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, P.C., Q.C., MP for Delta—Richmond East and Minister of National Revenue announced that six Canadian companies will partner with German companies to undertake research to better understand environmental conditions so that Canadians can be better prepared for major events such as droughts and forest fires.

The Canadian Space Agency is providing a total of $1.6 million in funding as part of this announcement. Each Canadian company will receive approximately $300,000 over two years. This announcement will leverage at minimum an additional $575,000 in private sector investment.

This initiative supports Canada’s Space Policy Framework by positioning the private sector at the forefront of cutting-edge research and international partnerships. By leveraging international partnerships, Canada is creating opportunities for companies to explore new opportunities that will help create jobs and grow the Canadian economy.

Quick facts
– The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt [DLR]) signed a Framework Agreement on Space Science and Technology Cooperation in September 2013. One of the areas of cooperation identified in the Agreement is Earth Observation (EO);
– Contribution Agreements have been established between the CSA and the following Canadian companies to undertake research projects: 3v Geomatics Inc., A.U.G. Signals Ltd., C-Core, Hatfield Consultants, MacDonald, Dettwiler & Associates Ltd. (MDA), and TRE Canada Inc.;
– The research projects will be undertaken in partnership with companies in Germany, who have received funding from DLR;
– Canadian companies are also contributing a minimum of 25% of the total value of their project; and,
– The companies will have access to archived and new radar imagery from the RADARSAT-2; TerraSar-X and Tandem-X satellites.
– The research projects will focus on: enhance safe transportation, exploration, and development in Canada’s North; track icebergs and ships in sea ice; use snow mapping to assess fire risk management; and analyze soil moisture in agricultural areas to improve crop yields

“This is an opportunity for the Canadian Space sector to play a leadership role in emergency preparedness. The important research being conducted not just here in Richmond, but across the country, will help us better understand the unique environmental factors contribute to natural disasters in Canada. Through these efforts our Government is helping to ensure the safety and prosperity of communities from coast-to-coast-to-coast.”

Hon. Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay, P.C., Q.C., MP for Delta—Richmond East and Minister of National Revenue

“A.U.G. Signals Ltd. (AUG) has always believed international cooperation is key to developing a well-rounded, dynamic space industry in Canada. With the support of the CSA, we believe working with DLR and our German partner Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH on this project will expand and enhance AUG’s current capabilities for space-based applications and create new opportunities for collaboration in the future.”

President, A.U.G. Signals Ltd., George Lampropoulos

“The CSA funded project (Multi-Application InSAR Integration) is an opportunity to develop new technology that can increase the applicability of 3vG’s expertise in new areas and create new business. The chance to partner with German experts can open new markets and new areas for further collaboration.”

President, 3v Geomatics Inc., Adrian McCardle

“This contract underscores the increasing demand for multi-mission intelligence capabilities using space-based radar, and provides an opportunity to strengthen Canada’s competitive advantage in remote sensing. In collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency and our German partners, MDA will use this opportunity to research synergies between radar satellites to develop new products and services, and broaden the market for radar information.”

President, MDA Information Systems Group, Don Osborne

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