The Canadian Space Agency, as a Co-operating
Member of the European Space Agency, is proud to announce a very special art
contest addressed to Canadian youth between the ages of 8 and 12.

The Contest

In order to help celebrate the design and launch of the European Space
Agency’s newest Earth Observation satellite, ENVISAT, young artists are
being invited to draw a flag representing our planet Earth. Prizes to be won
include 16 sets of computers and printers: one for the winner from each of
the 15 ESA Member States and from Canada, a contributor to the ENVISAT
program. The overall winner will fly to Kourou, in French Guiana, to see the
launch of ENVISAT, a new advanced Earth Observation satellite. The Ariane 5
launcher that will carry the satellite into space will bear the ENVISAT logo
and the winning picture of the Earth flag.

Who may apply?

Young artists aged between 8 and 12 and a citizen of Canada or an ESA Member
State? (*)

Why does ESA want a flag of the Earth on the ENVISAT launcher?

ENVISAT is a satellite designed for a special mission: Planet Earth. As its
job is to help care for the Earth, we feel that the Ariane launcher that
will be used to send ENVISAT into space should carry a flag depicting the
Earth, the planet it has been designed to protect.

What do I have to do to win?

Just as each country has its own flag, we want you to draw, paint or make a
collage of a picture of a flag that you feel represents the Earth. Your
drawing will be placed underneath the ENVISAT logo on the side of the Ariane
5 rocket, so it is best to produce your picture in landscape format.

Prize-winning entries will be chosen on the basis of originality and
simplicity…remember, it must be visible from a distance. Your picture
should be in colour and accompanied by a short text of not more than 300
words telling us what your flag represents.

What can I win?

* First: 16 flag designs will be selected, one from each of the 15 ESA
Member States and one from Canada. The 16 winners will each receive a
computer plus a colour printer, together with exciting new software about

* Then: the best flag design from the 16 winning entries will be
chosen, blown up in size to approximately 2 metres by 2 metres and put on
the huge Ariane 5 launcher that is going to propel the new ENVISAT satellite
into orbit.

* Plus, if you are chosen as the overall winner, you will be invited,
together with your parents, to be ESA’s guests for three days in French
Guiana, South America in June 2001. From ESA’s launch base in Kourou, you
will be able to watch the ENVISAT launch.

Just think, you could see your flag being sent into space!
How do I enter?

Your entry can be sent either by post or e-mail. If you send your drawing by
post, it should be on a piece of paper sized 30 cm x 21 cm and accompanied
by a short description on a separate piece of paper. Remember to put your
name, age and address both on the back of the drawing and on the
description, so that you can be contacted if your entry is selected.

Postal entries should be sent to:

Earth Flag Competition


Via Galileo Galilei

Frascati (RM) 00044


by e-mail:

You can also send your drawing by e-mail. First, scan your picture and save
it in jpg, gif or bmp format, then, send it by email to: Again, remember to
send the short description and to include your age, name and address.

Good luck with your drawing and remember all entries should be received by
March 31, 2001. The winners will be notified by the end of April 2001. We
are sorry that we cannot return your designs to you and that the relatives
of ESA staff members cannot take part in this competition.

* The 15 Member States of ESA are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Canada is a Co-operating Member

Canada and Europe

Since 1978, Canada has participated as a Co-operating State in activities
and programs of the European Space Agency (ESA), especially in the design of
Earth observation and communications satellites. In June 2000, Canada
renewed its membership for another ten year period and has recently joined
ESA and the French Space Agency (CNES) to provide RADARSAT-1 satellite
imaging to support aid and rescue agencies providing relief in times of
environmental and natural disasters.

Canada and Space

Interested to find out more about Canada’s role in Earth Observation,
advanced satellite technologies, Human space exploration, space science,
robotics, the international space station and other neat stuff? Visit our
KidSpace Website at: