August 19, 2015 – Ariane Flight VA225

Arianespace’s fourth Ariane 5 for liftoff in 2015 moved out to the launch zone in French Guiana today, clearing the way for tomorrow’s mission to geostationary transfer orbit for two long-time customers: Eutelsat and Intelsat.

This rollout from the Spaceport’s Final Assembly Building marks one of the final milestones in preparations for Flight VA225, which is the seventh mission to be conducted by Arianespace at French Guiana so far this year.

With an overall duration of just under 42 minutes from the South American liftoff to the release of EUTELSAT 8 West B and Intelsat 34, Flight VA225 will be carrying a total payload estimated at 9,922 kg. – including the two satellites’ liftoff mass, along with hardware for Ariane 5’s dual payload deployment system.

Arianespace has been providing launch services for more than 30 years on behalf of the mission’s two satellite operators: Paris, France-based EUTELSAT, the leading telecommunications operator in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East; and Intelsat, the world’s top provider of satellite services in terms of revenues and in-orbit capacity, whose administrative headquarters are in McLean, Virginia, USA.

Riding in Ariane 5’s upper position is EUTELSAT 8 West B, to be deployed first during the flight. Built by Europe’s Thales Alenia Space, this relay platform will bring powerful new satellite broadcasting resources to the Middle East and North Africa – primarily serving direct-to-home markets from an 8 deg. West orbital slot. It also is to introduce a C-band mission to this geostationary orbit position, covering the African continent and reaching to South America.

In the lower passenger position on Ariane 5 is the 3.3-metric-ton Intelsat 34, which will be utilized by Intelsat for the media distribution requirements of leading programmers for Latin America – operating from an orbital slot of 304.5 deg. East. This relay platform, produced by SSL (Space Systems Loral), also is to support advanced broadband coverage for maritime and aeronautical providers serving the North Atlantic.