On Saturday evening, May 27, Arianespace placed two satellites into geostationary transfer orbit: Satmex 6 for the Mexican operator Satélites Mexicanos S.A. de C.V., and Thaicom 5 for the Thai operator Shin Satellite Plc.

The 27th Ariane 5 launch, 13th success in a row, and a new record for satellite mass delivered in orbit

Today’s launch was the 27th mission for Ariane 5 and the 13th success in a row, further proof that Arianespace sets the global standard for launch services, meeting the needs of operators around the world.

Arianespace set a new record with this launch, boosting two satellites totaling more than 8,200 kg. into orbit. In just a little more than nine months, Arianespace has used six Ariane 5s to boost 11 satellites into geostationary transfer orbit.

Today, Ariane 5 is the only commercial launcher in service capable of simultaneously launching two payloads and providing customers the performance, flexibility and competitiveness they expect.

Launches for two loyal customers

This is the fourth time that Mexico has used Arianespace to launch a communications satellite. Mexico had already chosen Arianespace to launch Solidaridad 1 in November 1993, Solidaridad 2 in October 1994 and Satmex 5 in December 1998.

Thaicom 5 was the fifth satellite launched by Arianespace for private Thai operator Shin Satellite, following Thaicom 1 in December 1993, Thaicom 2 in October 1994, Thaicom 3 in April 1997 and Thaicom 4 in August 2005. Shin Satellite Plc, one of the largest operators in the Asia-Pacific region, has shown its continued confidence in Arianespace, the clear recognition of a top-quality launch service.

Satmex 6/Thaicom 5 mission at a glance

The mission was carried out by an Ariane 5 ECA launcher from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Liftoff was on Saturday, May 27 at 6:09 pm local time in Kourou (5:09 p.m. in Washington, D.C., 4:09 p.m. in Mexico City, 21:09 GMT, 11:09 p.m. in Paris, and on Sunday, May 28 at 4:09 a.m. in Bangkok).

Provisional parameters at injection of the cryogenic upper stage (ESC-A) were:

  • Perigee: 250 km. for a target of 249.7 km. (±3)
  • Apogee: 35,923 km. for a target of 35,910 km. (±160)
  • Inclination: 6.99 degrees for a target of 7.00 degrees (±0.06°)

Satmex 6 was produced by Space Systems/Loral of the United States in Palo Alto, California. Weighing about 5,500 kg. at launch, it will be positioned at 113 degrees West. Satmex 6 is fitted with 36 C-band transponders and 24 Ku-band transponders. It will bolster Satmex’s telecommunications and Internet service offering throughout Mexico, as well as in parts of North America and Latin America.

Built by Alcatel Alenia Space, Thaicom 5 weighed about 2,800 kg. at launch. It is fitted with 25 C-band transponders and 14 Ku-band transponders. From its orbital position at 78.5 degrees East, Thaicom 5 will provide telecom and television transmission services for the entire Asia-Pacific region, and will eventually replace the Thaicom 3 satellite.