A repeat Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting of public
corporation S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia
was held to review the results of the company’s activities
in 2003. The meeting was convened for a second time in accordance
with the established procedure on decision by the corporate
Board of Directors since it could not be held on April 24,
2004, because at the time a quorum was not secured.

In accordance with the existing laws, the materials prepared
for the annual general shareholder’s meeting (annual report,
the list of nominee candidates for the corporate Board of
Directors and the Audit Committee, nominee candidates for
the external Auditor of the Corporation, proposals on the
remuneration for members of the Board of Directors and the
Audit Committee, on the changes in the Charter of the Corporation
and its internal documents) remained unchanged.

The list of persons having the right to take part in making
decisions on the meeting agenda was compiled based on the
Corporation Shareholders Register data as of 12 hours 00
minutes, May 17, 2004.

The agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting included issues
subject to obligatory annual review, as well as some other
issues placed within its purview by Federal Law on Joint-Stock

Announcements of the repeat meeting, its agenda and terms
and conditions for participating in it were published in
newspapers Izvestia (May 25,2004) and Kaliningradskaya Pravda
(May 25, 2004).

The shareholders who are not employed by the Corporation
could acquaint themselves with the materials on the agenda
at special centers set up since May 27, 2004, while the
shareholders who are employed by the company could do this
at their workplace.

In accordance with the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies,
absentee voting was made possible. About 6700 shareholders
out of 12097 shareowners received sets of individual voting
papers by registered mail, the corporate employees received
their voting papers at their workplaces against receipt.
775 shareholders holding 11572 voting shares took part in
the absentee voting.

Altogether, the meeting was attended by 6093 shareholders
who own the total of 876223 shares constituting 77.97% of
the total number of voting shares of the Corporation.

The meeting approved the final report on the Corporation
performance in the year 2003, including reports on profits
and losses and distribution of profits and losses. The shareholders
agreed to the proposal from the Board of Directors not to
pay share dividends for 2003 and to pay off losses incurred
by the Corporation in 2003 from the Reserve Fund.

OOO Rosexpertisa was approved as the external auditor of
the corporation for the year 2004.

The Board of Directors was elected consisting of: Victor
Yevgenievich Grigoriev, Petr Anatolievich Yefanov, Nikolai
Ivanovich Zelenshchikov, Alexandra Fedorovna Kozeeva, Alexander
Ivanovich Kondrashov, Yuri Nikolaevich Koptev, Arcadi Leonidovich
Martynovsky, Sergei Georgievich Nedoroslev, Dmitri Yurievich
Nikologorodsky, Yuri Pavlovich Semenov, Alexander Fedorovich

The meeting also elected the Audit Committee.