Saint-Hubert, October 9, 2001 – Media are invited to a round table to meet
with representatives of the RADARSAT International Ground Station Network.
This event, set to start at 11:15 a.m. on October 11, will be held at the
Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

When Canada’s RADARSAT-1 captures reliable monitoring services for various
applications ranging from coastal monitoring to ice reconnaissance or to
assess flood damage, the Ground Station Network tracks the satellite,
receives, archives, processes and distributes the data… an enormous amount
of data. As an example, every year the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
(CCRS) collects and archives 30 terabytes of satellite data, the equivalent
of 430,000 CDs, which stack one on the top of each other, would almost reach
the top of the CN tower.

What: Round table for journalists

Who: Representatives from Ground Stations based in United Kingdom, China,
RSI’s Pierre Engel and CSA’s Satish Srivastava

When: Thursday, October 11, 2001 11:15-12:00 p.m.

Where: Canadian Space Agency, Conference Centre, 6767 Route de l’Aeroport,

Representatives of fourteen RADARSAT certified Ground Stations will meet at
the Canadian Space Agency in Saint Hubert from October 9 to 11 to
participate in an International Ground Station Network Meeting. Organized
jointly by the CSA and RADARSAT International (RSI), the meeting will help
broaden understanding of the role the network stations play in the capture
and treatment of RADARSAT data.

These operational and product-certified ground stations have the expertise
and resources – a significant element of the RADARSAT program, as they
provide both RSI and end users continuity of observations and a timelessness
of data delivery. These resources are essential to ensure access to data
when and where needed, especially in disaster management.
The ground stations contributing to global coverage are: National Space
Development Agency of Japan (Japan), Tromso Satellite Station (Norway),
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez and University of Alaska (USA), Korea
Earth Observation Centre (Korea), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
(Brazil), Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (Singapore),
Defence Evaluation Research Agency (United Kingdom), Australia Centre for
Remote Sensing (ACRES), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology
(Saudi Arabia), National Research Council of Thailand (Thailand), Remote
Sensing Satellite Ground Station (China), McMurdo (Antarctica), Gatineau
Satellite Station and Prince Albert Satellite Station (Canada) and two US
mobile stations.

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For more information:

Carole Duval
Media Relations
Canadian Space Agency
Tel.: (450) 926-4451 Cell: (514) 914-5453

Cory Rossignol or Kate Stephens
Corporate Communications
RADARSAT International
Tel.: (604) 231-5000 or