Space agencies from around the world are looking towards the future of deep-space exploration beyond the International Space Station (ISS). Canada is exploring how to contribute to the exciting new opportunities that will ensue as humanity takes its next steps into the solar system.

The Government commitment in Budget 2016 to extend Canada’s participation in the ISS program will provide opportunities to develop leading-edge space technologies and also to conduct research to position Canada’s space sector to take advantage of opportunities in the next phase of human space exploration.

Over the course of the next year, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) will provide multiple opportunities for Canada’s space community (academia, industry and government departments) to propose innovative ideas for science and technologies in areas that could contribute to future human space exploration and generate benefits on earth. Opportunities to submit proposals will be consolidated here.


“Canada’s space program is the epitome of innovation. The breakthroughs and inventions that the space program generates have benefits that go far beyond it. The technologies that are designed for today’s space sector can be applied tomorrow to the everyday lives of Canadians. I have asked the Canadian Space Agency to identify creative ideas that will become the technologies of the future. That’s how innovation creates better jobs, opportunities and living standards for all Canadians.”

The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development

Quick facts

  • Budget 2016 committed up to $379 million to extend Canada’s participation in the International Space Station (ISS) program to 2024 and to conduct ground breaking research positioning the Canadian space sector to take advantage of opportunities for the next steps in space exploration and research.
  • The International Space Station program has enabled major Canadian innovations in space robotics engineering and technology; providing sophisticated robotics systems such as Canadarm2 and Dextre, technologies which provide vital assembly and maintenance capabilities to the Station.
  • Canada’s contribution to the ISS provides access to astronaut flights and science lab capacity. Six Canadian astronauts have completed eight missions aboard the Station and over fifty-five Canadian science, technology and educational experiments have been conducted since 1998.
  • Experiments performed on the ISS have provided insight into cardiovascular issues, bone loss and other disorders that affect the aging and sedentary populations.
  • In 2018, David Saint-Jacques will become the next Canadian astronaut to take part in a long-duration mission aboard the ISS.


Contact information:

Canadian Space Agency
Media Relations Office
Telephone: 450-926-4370