On 21-25 September 2015, over 400 meteorological experts, scientists and researchers from 40 countries will converge on Toulouse, France, for the 2015 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference. The event is jointly organised with Météo-France, the national provider for weather and climate services in France.

EUMETSAT Director-General Alain Ratier and the Météo-France Director of Observation and Information Systems, Emmanuel Legrand, will open the conference on Monday morning, 21 September.

This year, the conference will focus on advances in nowcasting and short-range regional numerical weather prediction at very high resolution and preparation for new geostationary satellites. Participants will discuss the new perspectives offered by the combination of innovative very high resolution numerical models and more frequent, comprehensive and accurate observations from a new generation of geostationary satellites. An extensive poster session will supplement the oral presentations throughout the week.

Alain Ratier said, “The EUMETSAT conference is now a reference point in Europe for users of meteorological satellite data, and a major opportunity in our dialogue with our users, the science community and our international partners. In Toulouse, we open a discussion on how future observations can fulfil the requirements of innovative high resolution weather models.”

To follow the conference proceedings, join us on Twitter: #EMSC2015