Industry Minister James Moore and Canadian Space Agency (CSA) President Walter Natynczyk joined Canadian astronauts Jeremy Hansen and David Saint-Jacques today at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa to unveil the framework for Canada’s future in Space. This framework will serve as a guide for Canada’s strategic activities and future in space, ensuring a strong and commercially competitive space industry that will continue to inspire Canadians for years to come.

Canada’s Space Policy Framework builds on the tremendous success of astronaut Chris Hadfield, who became the first ever Canadian to take command of the International Space Station (ISS).

This plan builds on that mission, with the aim of inspiring a future generation of Canadians interested in space. It is based on 5 principles for the future:

1. Canada First: our sovereignty, security and prosperity will be at the heart of Canada’s activities in Space.
2. Using space to strengthen our economy: by supporting Canada’s space industry to bring to market cutting-edge technologies that promote jobs and growth.
3. Working together globally: by partnering with other countries on major space projects like Canada’s continued commitment to the ISS
4. Promoting Canadian innovation: by investing in proven Canadian strengths, like robotics in the Canadarm2 and optics in the development of the James Webb Space Telescope.
5. Inspiring Canadians: by building on our success and inspiring a future generation of Canadians interested in pursuing a career in space and its related disciplines.

Minister Moore also announced Canada’s continued support in the James Webb Telescope project, the next-generation space observatory, and the most powerful space telescope ever. The government remains a proud partner in this ongoing international project. Canada’s continued participation will benefit industry, the academic community, and all Canadians. The telescope will study every phase in the history of our Universe, ranging from the first luminous glows after the Big Bang, to the formation of solar systems capable of supporting life on planets like Earth, to the evolution of our own Solar System.

Quick facts

– During Chris Hadfield’s mission in 2013, over 100 scientific experiments were conducted on the International Space Station, all while bringing to earth, through social media, the wonders of living and working in space.
– In 2012, the Canadian space sector generated total revenues of $3.327 billion to our economy.
– Canada’s space industry employs some 8,000 highly skilled men and women.
– Over the last five years, total revenues generated by the Canadian space sector have increased by 19% or $533 million.
– Canada’s Space Policy Framework is part of the Government’s response to recommendations put forth in the Review of Aerospace and Space Programs and Policies, led by The Honourable David L. Emerson.


“Canada’s space industry is a major contributor to highly skilled jobs to our economy, and a great source of pride among all Canadians. This plan charts a course for our future in space by ensuring Canada remains a global leader in important areas of space technology and innovation. On the road to our 150th birthday in 2017, we hope this plan will inspire the next generation of Canadian astronauts.”

Industry Minister James Moore

“A long-term strategic plan for Canada’s space program is critical for our industry. In order to effectively invest in innovation, technology and product development, we rely heavily on knowing what the government’s priorities for the space program are. We are very pleased that the government has released the Space Policy Framework, and we applaud Minister Moore and his colleagues for recognizing the importance of Canadian innovation and industry as we continue to build on our nation’s proud heritage in space.”

Jim Quick, President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada