Stephane Israel, who became Arianespace’s new Chairman and CEO this month,
brings experience in aerospace business and government space policy to his
top executive role at the world’s leading launch services provider.

In the following interview, he provides his initial perspectives on
Arianespace, and discusses the company’s competitive position in a changing
launch services marketplace.

Question: How do you see your role as the successor to Jean-Yves Le Gall?

Answer: I am following in the footsteps of a true space sector visionary!
Jean-Yves put Arianespace on the path of long-term success with his emphasis
on quality and reliability – something that increasingly makes us stand out
from the competitors today – in addition to the arrival of Soyuz and Vega in
Kourou, joining Ariane to create a unique launch vehicle family. I wish all
the best to Jean-Yves in his new position as the head of France’s CNES space
agency. Along with industry and the European Space Agency, we will work
closely together him.

Question: What are your first thoughts of Arianespace?

Answer: I am impressed by the professionalism and the enthusiasm of everyone
I’ve met. Clearly, this is a company that is customer-oriented – ready to
deliver on its commitments through operational expertise. There is a reason
why Arianespace is the leader: the dedication to excellence, from our launch
teams at the Spaceport to the commercial representatives who circle the
globe; and from those at headquarters in Evry to the staff of our
international offices in Singapore, Tokyo, Washington and French Guiana.

Question: What are your near-term priorities?

Answer: First of all, I am looking forward to meeting with our customers
around the world in the continuity of Jean-Yves’ action to nurture our
privileged position. Also I place a particular emphasis on personal
relationships, which I will actively pursue with the key players in our
industry. Another top priority is spending time at the Spaceport and seeing
the entire family of Arianespace launchers in action, and listening to the
feedback of all the Arianespace community in Evry and Kourou, and more
generally to the entire space community that makes Arianespace a success!

Question: How do you view Arianespace’s competitive position today?

Answer: I fully agree with Arianespace’s unofficial motto: “Launches speak
louder than words.” Our customers – whether they are telecommunications
satellite operators, spacecraft manufacturers, international space agencies
or institutions – rely on Arianespace to deliver their payloads safely in
orbit and with the accuracy demonstrated by our launcher family, mission
after mission. The appreciation by the market of the value of our services
is confirmed, year after year, by the commercial successes we achieve. Under
my leadership, Arianespace will continue to speak with the same voice in
delivering a message that is loud and clear – based on the tempo of success
and willingness of excellence that have driven our company for the past
three decades.