The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is pleased to announce a Science Data Workshop that will be held at the John H. Chapman Space Centre in Longueuil, Quebec on 2-3 October 2007. The Space Science Branch of the CSA supports many projects that collect a wide variety of data and is organizing a workshop where scientists and engineers will meet to discuss science, technology, and policies related to space science data. The overall objectives of the Workshop are:

  • To solicit the Canadian space science data community for ideas and recommendations that will increase the value of the data collected by Canadian instruments and missions.
  • To obtain feedback on the soon-to-be-released CSA Data Policy Framework.
  • To encourage the development and deepening of links between the Canadian space science disciplines.

The Workshop will incorporate a mix of presentations (oral and poster) and breakout discussion groups. The program will be structured to encourage interactions between participants from all space science disciplines and to support the identification of themes common to all science disciplines. The output of the Workshop will form the kernel of a report that will aid the CSA in its decision-making.

The Science Data Workshop promises to be a pivotal event in the evolution of the CSA’s policies for managing science data. An ever-growing stream of space science data coupled with new technologies and increasingly open data policies are generating an explosion of opportunities. Your participation will help ensure that the CSA’s policies reflect the interests of your scientific community as well as your own.

We will contact you with further information about the Workshop in a couple of weeks. Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who you think may be interested in the Workshop.