VANCOUVER, January 13, 2014 | UrtheCast Corp. (TSX:UR) (‘UrtheCast or ‘the Company’) is pleased to announce that its two Earth imaging cameras have been scheduled for installation aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on Jan. 27, 2014, at 2:30 p.m. GMT.

“With the ISS cabling issue now resolved, we expect that the second spacewalk will result in a complete installation,” explained UrtheCast’s Chief Executive Officer, Scott Larson. “We are again thankful for the hard work of the engineering teams at Roscomos, Energia, and UrtheCast, which were able to quickly isolate and resolve the issue. We’re now confident that our business plan will remain unaffected.”

About UrtheCast Corp. 

UrtheCast Corp. is a Vancouver-based technology company that is developing the world’s first color video feed of Earth, from space. Working with renowned aerospace partners from across the globe, UrtheCast has built, launched, and expects to install and operate, two cameras on the Russian segment of the ISS. Video and still image data captured by the cameras will be downlinked to ground stations across the planet and displayed on the UrtheCast web platform, or distributed directly to exclusive partners and customers. UrtheCast’s cameras will provide high-resolution video and imagery of Earth that will allow for monitoring of the environment, humanitarian relief, social events, agricultural land, etc. Common shares of UrtheCast trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange as ticker ‘UR’.

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Christian Darbyshire

+1 (416) 419 9953