The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is scheduled to launch the Selenological and Engineering Explorer (or Moon explorer) "SELENE" by an H-IIA Launch Vehicle in the summer of 2007.
The major objective of the SELENE mission is to acquire scientific data to answer key questions on the Moon’s origin and evolution. It is the first fully-fledged lunar exploration project since the Apollo program.
As we would like to stir everybody’s interest in the Moon as well as in the SELENE project, we decided to launch the "WISH UPON THE MOON" campaign. We are asking you to write your name and message to deliver them to the Moon by etching them on a sheet and having it onboard the SELENE.
The SELENE will be injected into the Moon’s orbit about one month after its launch.
This is a worldwide campaign from Japan and the United States sponsored by JAXA in cooperation with The Planetary Society of Japan and The Planetary Society of the U.S.A.

1. To apply
Please send us your name and message within the following letter limits.
    In Japanese: Name should be within 10 characters, and the message should be within 20 characters.
    In English: Name should be within 10 letters, and the message should be within 40 letters.
The name and message will be etched on a sheet and it will be loaded near the access panel or the adaptor truss of the SELENE. (Please refer to the image below for the sheet and onboard locations.)
The SELENE is currently scheduled to be launched in the summer of 2007.

* Please understand that the limits for letters are set in order to accept names and messages from as many people as possible.
* Please be aware that your message may be published on the JAXA website or released to the press without your permission for the purpose of this campaign’s public relations activities.

2. When to apply
Between December 1 (Fri), 2006, through January 31 (Wed), 2007
(If applying by postcard, the postmark date must be before Jan. 31, 2007.)

3. How to apply

(1) Internet
Please apply via the following site.
In Japanese:
In English:
The English site will be accessible from 4:00 a.m. Japan Standard Time (or 11:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time in the U.S.) on December 2 (Sat), 2006.

(2) Reply-paid postcard(Japanese Only)
Please write the following on the postcard.
  • Name and message that will be onboard the SELENE, your address, name, age, gender, and telephone number.
  • On the reply card, your zip code, address, and name. (We will send you back the reply side as confirmation.)
  • The postcard can be sent to:
    SELENE "WISH UPON THE MOON" Campaign Office
    Japan Space Forum
    2-2-1, Shin Otemachi Bldg. 7F
    Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan

* Your personal information will be used solely for the campaign under JAXA control. Except for cases where its disclosure is required under applicable laws and regulations, we will disclose your personal information only to campaign-related parties, and NOT to any third party without your permission.

4. For inquiries:
Japan Space Forum
SELENE "WISH UPON THE MOON" Campaign Secretariat
  Address: 2-2-1, Shin Otemachi Bldg. 7F, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-004, Japan
  Tel: +81-3-5200-1309 (between 9:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on weekdays Japan Standard Time)

Sheet and Onboard Locations