With its 15th successful mission, the standard Ariane 5G (“Generic”) launcher continues to demonstrate its technical and operational maturity. Furthermore, Ariane 5 has proven its ability to handle a complete spectrum of missions, from scientific missions requiring special orbits to the largest commercial payloads into geostationary transfer orbit.

Serving a prestigious customer: Telesat Canada

The choice of Ariane by Telesat reflects international recognition of Arianespace’s top-flight launch service.

Telesat is a pioneer in satellite communications and system management. It deploys a fleet of satellites that provide broadcast distribution and communications services across the Americas, and is a highly-respected consultant and partner in satellite ventures around the world. Telesat is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BCE Inc., a leading communications company with shares listed in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Anik F2 is the fifth Canadian satellite to be lofted by the European launcher, following Anik E2 in April 1991, Anik E1 in September 1991, MSAT 1 in April 1996 and Anik F1 in November 2000.

Flight 163 at a glance

Flight 163 was carried out by an Ariane 5 Generic launcher from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Liftoff was on Saturday, July 17, 2004 at 9:44 p.m. local time in Kourou (8:44 p.m. in Washington, D.C and in Ottawa., at 00H44 GMT and 2:44 a.m. in Paris on July 18).

Provisional parameters at injection of the storable propellant upper stage were:

  • Perigee: 579.4 km for a target of 580 km (±3 km)
  • Apogee: 38,848 km for a target of 38,928 km (±160 km)
  • Inclination: 6.80 degrees for a target of 6.80 degrees (±0.06°)

Anik F2 uses the new Boeing 702 platform built by Boeing Satellites Systems, Inc. (BSS) in El Segundo, California. The largest communications satellite ever, it weighed over 5,950 kilograms (13,118 lb) at launch. Anik F2 is fitted with 38 Ka-band transponders, 32 Ku-band transponders and 24 C-band transponders.

Positioned at 111.1 degrees West, Anik F2 will provide cost effective, two-way high-speed Internet access to businesses and consumers located anywhere within a footprint, covering all of North America and it will also open the door to new government broadband services for such applications as tele-learning, tele-health and e-services. Anik F2 has a design life of 15 years.