Saint-Hubert, Quebec, November 4, 2003 – The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) today celebrated eight productive years in space with RADARSAT-1, surpassing all expectations for a mission that was initially planned for five years. This premier Earth Observation satellite, RADARSAT-1, has been maintained by the CSA Satellite Operations’ team to enhance its ability to deliver accurate and timely images for the Government of Canada and a range of public and private sector clients located in more than sixty countries worldwide.

“RADARSAT-1 continues to be a key component of the web of Earth Observation satellites,” said CSA President Marc Garneau. “Its daily applications are innumerable in such domains as ice monitoring, forestry, cartography and oceanography. The reliability and accuracy of this satellite are extraordinary, helping Canada stand out for the quality and durability of its space hardware and specialized applications.”

RADARSAT-1 has literally mapped the world producing detailed reference maps of Antarctica, Canada, the contiguous United States and Africa and most recently has been used in emergency situations as part of the International Charter on Space and Natural Disasters. In the past year, it most notably provided images of the flooding in British Columbia that caused such extensive damage to the province. Internationally, RADARSAT-1 provided images of the Prestige oil spill near Spain’s coastline and of the Stromboli volcanic eruption in Italy, demonstrating the range and utility of images produced by the satellite.

The launch of RADARSAT-1’s successor, RADARSAT-2, is planned for the end of 2005. The satellite’s structure and payload are developing well in the plants of subcontractors to MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA), the project’s main contractor. The commercialization of RADARSAT-2 satellite data will be managed by MDA subsidiary RADARSAT International (RSI), which provides data to some 20 certified ground stations throughout the world distributing images to over 600 clients globally.

About the Canadian Space Agency

Established in 1989 with its Headquarters situated in St-Hubert, Quebec, the CSA is responsible for leading the national space program. The CSA coordinates programs supporting Earth and the Environment, Space Science, Human Presence in Space, Satellite Communications, Space Technology, Space Qualification Services, Space Awareness and Education. The CSA is at the forefront of the development and application of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and humanity.

About MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates

MacDonald Dettwiler is an information company that provides essential information for decision- making in the workplace It delivers essential land information products and services that encompass legal, asset and geographical information, and provides mission-critical information systems for monitoring activities on the planet, managing mobile assets and enabling mobile workforces. The Company employs 2,200 people through an international network of offices, subsidiaries and distributors.

About RADARSAT International (RSI)

RSI, a wholly owned subsidiary of MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates, is a worldwide provider of products and information solutions derived from Earth-observation (EO) satellite data.

For more information, please contact:

Monique Billette
Senior Media Relations Spokesperson
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-4370