Saint-Hubert, Bangalore, India, March 27, 2003 – Today, Dr. Marc
Garneau, President of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with Dr. Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan, Chairman of the
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), reaffirming their pursuit of
international space cooperation for peaceful purposes while working
towards economic and social development for both countries.

“The scope and breadth of India’s space program is impressive”, noted
Dr.Garneau. “The ISRO program is both ambitious and diversified. The
Memorandum lays the framework for continuing cooperation in projects and
activities in which we share a common interest. It recognizes the similarities in the objectives and vision of our space programs and reflects the
determination of our organizations to continue to work closely together to generate concrete economic, technological and scientific benefits for our
citizens and humanity.”

“I am pleased to welcome Dr. Garneau and his delegation to India and
to have signed this Memorandum today”, said Dr. Kasturirangan. “We share
common needs for telecommunications, meteorology, disaster warning as well
as natural resources management and environmental monitoring. This
renewed collaboration between CSA and ISRO demonstrates our mutual commitment
to pursue common projects and develop business alliances benefiting both
of our countries, now and into the future.”

The Memorandum will foster the study of cooperative programs in satellite
communications and satellite remote sensing as well as encouraging
cooperation in the field of exploration and use of space by the
private sector and academia in both countries. Both parties also signed a
letter referring to the several projects and activities in which ISRO and
CSA have a joint interest. Such projects include: the possible participation
in a Moon Orbiter mission, an agreement for Launch Early Operations Phases
– which could be applied for the upcoming launch of SCISAT-1; the
support of the United Nation Space Science and Technology Education Centre in
India; and collaboration in the ASTROSAT/UVIT (Ultraviolet Imaging
Telescope) mission.

The signing of the Memorandum took place at ISRO Headquarters in Bangalore,
India. In attendance with Dr. Garneau were representatives of the
Canadian space industry: Communications Research Centre, BOT Engineering, COM
DEV, EMS Technologies Canada, ICT Development Group, Info-Electronics
Systems, MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA), Oasis Geomatics Inc.,
PCI Geomatics, RADARSAT International (RSI), TATA Consultancy Services.

About the Canadian Space Agency

Established in 1989 with its headquarters situated in Saint-Hubert,
Quebec, the Canadian Space Agency coordinates all aspects of the Canadian
Space Program. Through its Space Knowledge, Applications and Industry
Development business line, the CSA delivers services involving: Earth and the
Environment; Space Science; Human Presence in Space; Satellite
Communications; Space Technology; Space Qualification Services; Space
Awareness and Education. The Canadian Space Agency is at the
forefront of the development and application of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and humanity.

About the Indian Space Research Organization

Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO, under the Department of Space, has the prime objective of developing space technology and its application to
various national tasks. Since its establishment in 1969, ISRO has
established space systems like the INSAT for telecommunication, television
broadcasting and meteorological services and the Indian Remote Sensing
Satellites (IRS) for resources monitoring and management. ISRO has also
developed satellite launch vehicles, PSLV and GSLV, for placing satellites
in Polar orbits as well as geostationary orbits. Research in space sciences
is also pursued actively.

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Monique Billette
Media Relations
Canadian Space Agency
Tel: (450) 926-4370