In April 2001, Colonel Hadfield served as Mission Specialist #1 on STS-100, International Space Station assembly Flight 6A. The crew of Space Shuttle
Endeavour delivered and installed the new Canadian-built
robot arm, Canadarm2, as well as the Italian-made resupply module Raffaello. During the flight, Hadfield performed two spacewalks, which made him the first Canadian to ever leave a spacecraft, and float free in space. In total, Colonel Hadfield spent 14 hours, 54 minutes outside–10 times around the world.

Colonel Chris Hadfield is presently living in Star City, Russia, as NASA’s Director of Operations at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training
Center. As NASA’s lead representative his work includes coordination and direction of all Space Station Crew activities in Russia, oversight of training and crew support staff, as well as policy negotiation with the Russian Space Program and other International Partners.

Colonel Hadfield will be in the Maritimes from January 7 to 9 and media are invited to attend the following events:

Monday, January 7, Halifax
10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Meeting with approximately 75 grade 6 students at 
Discovery Centre 
1593 Barrington Street (corner of Sackville and Barrington)
Noon to 1:00 p.m. Congress of Canadian Federation of Engineering Students
Conference titled “The History and Future of Engineering”
Lord Nelson Hotel, 1515 South Park Street
6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Meeting with Air Cadet League of Nova Scotia
Halifax Armouries
2261 North Park Street


January 8, Hampton and Fredericton

8:45 to
9:45 a.m.
with students of Hampton High School
34 Elizabeth Avenue
1:30 to
2:45 p.m.
to faculty members and visit of the Planetary and Space
Science Centre 
University of New Brunswick
Forestry and Geology building
2 Bailey Street
3:30 to
4:30 p.m.
of Measurand inc.
2111 Hanwell Road


January 9th,
St. John’s

Colonel Hadfield
will be available for media interviews in the afternoon.

For more information or to arrange a one-on-one interview, please contact:

Public Relations and Media Office
Canadian Space Agency
Telephone: (450) 926-4370
Fax: (450) 926-4352