Date: 19 April 2001

Time: 1:05 p.m. EDT

Web address:

Saint-Hubert, 12 April 2001 _ Just before Canadian Space Agency (CSA)
Astronaut Chris Hadfield blasts off on his next mission on April 19, 2001,
students from across Canada will be logging on to join CSA Astronaut and
Executive Vice-President, Dr. Marc Garneau, in cyberspace via Web cast.

Dr. Garneau will give a behind-the-scenes look at how Chris Hadfield has
prepared for his historic mission-from ground training, to underwater
training in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab, to working on complex issues
surrounding the building and installation of Canadarm2. Dr. Garneau will
also answer questions submitted by students from across the country. This
24-minute presentation will be broadcast with the help of Canada’s Schoolnet
on 19 April 2001 at 1:05 p.m. EDT (

This special Web cast presentation is part of the Canadian Space Agency’s
youth-oriented “Canadian Star-Builder Project” designed to inform students
across the nation about Canadarm2 and the first Canadian spacewalk. In
addition to the Web cast, the project includes “Kidstation”
(, an interactive Web site with
“kid-friendly” information, educator resources and activities, images and
games on robotics technology and spacewalks. A current events section helps
children follow the mission on a daily basis.

Over 2000 schools from all regions of the country have requested special
information packages on the mission, which will reach approximately 70 000
students. These teaching packages include: suggestions on how to bring
STS-100 into the classroom; activities to help students understand space
robotics technology, living and working in space, and the links between
research in space and benefits for life on Earth; activity flyers for each
student; games to help students learn in a fun and engaging way both at
school and at home; an educational video on Canada and the International
Space Station; posters and stickers.

About Mission STS-100

The Space Shuttle Endeavour is currently slated for lift-off from the
Kennedy Space Center on April 19, 2001 at 2:41 p.m. EDT (exact time to be
confirmed). The mission will feature the delivery and installation of one of
Canada’s main contributions to the International Space Station, Canadarm2.
The deployment of Canadarm2 will be the most intricate space robotics
operation ever conducted. In the process, Chris Hadfield will become the
first Canadian ever to perform a space walk and float freely in the vacuum
of space.

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About the CSA

Established in 1989 with its headquarters situated in Saint-Hubert, Quebec,
the Canadian Space Agency coordinates all aspects of the Canadian Space
Program. Through its Space Knowledge, Applications and Industry Development
business line, the CSA delivers services involving: Earth and the
Environment; Space Science; Human Presence in Space; Satellite
Communications; Generic Space Technologies; Space Qualification Services and
Awareness. The Canadian Space Agency is at the forefront of the development
and application of space knowledge for the benefit of Canadians and

For more information:

CSA Media Relations Office

Canadian Space Agency

Tel.: (450) 926-4345 or 4370

Fax: (514) 943-4352

STS-100 Mission Web Site: