The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) invites
media representatives to a newsmaker luncheon with veteran CSA astronaut
Marc Garneau and the crew of STS-97. The event is scheduled to take place on
Tuesday, 13 February 2001 at 12:00 p.m. EST at the National Press Club in

Accompanied by the Honourable Brian Tobin, Minister of Industry and Minister
responsible for the Canadian Space Agency, Dr. Garneau and the crewmembers
will give a short audio-visual presentation featuring the highlights of
their mission (in December 2000) to install the first set of American solar
panels on the International Space Station. Following the presentation, Dr.
Garneau and the crew will be available for questions. This is one of only
two public events with the crew in Canada.

Note: By reservation only. Please make your reservation in advance by
calling the National Press Club at (613) 233-5641. Tickets are $15.00 for
members, $25.00 for non-members, and include a light lunch.

Visit the STS-97 Mission Web Site at:

Marc Garneau’s biographical note is available at:


WHAT Newsmaker luncheon

WHO Canadian Space Agency Astronaut Marc Garneau and the crew of

WHEN Tuesday, 13 February 2001 at 12:00 p.m. EST

WHERE National Press Club, 150 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario.
Reserve by calling (613) 233-5641.

For more information:

Anna Kapiniari

Manager, Public Relations and Media

Canadian Space Agency

Tel.: (450) 926-4355