The European Space Agency (ESA), in cooperation with UNESCO, is inviting the general public, educators and students to visit the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands, as part of the World Space Week 2002 activities.

ESTEC is opening the doors to the International Space Station User Information Centre (UIC) for two days of special events*.

Activities at ESA/ESTEC

ESA offers you the unique opportunity to visit the International Space Station UIC at ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. You can register for the free tours of the centre, which are especially organized for the World Space Week 2002.

On Sunday 6 October the organized tours of the centre include a presentation by a European astronaut, a Virtual Reality tour of the International Space Station (ISS) and a unique tour of International Space Station Information Centre.

Teachers and students* can participate in special tours on Monday 7 October. Teachers can take their class on a free tour of the centre and to presentations on the ISS and ëSpace and Daily Lifeí.

Pre-registration starts on Friday 5 April, 2002. Please check back with the World Space Week 2002 website:

*Events of interest to visitors/students aged 12 and above

Space essay contest
UNESCO, in cooperation with ESA and other space agencies, is holding an international essay contest for students on the World Space Week 2002 theme íSpace and Daily Lifeí*. The aim of the contest is to encourage students all over the world to think about how space is affecting, improving and helping them in their daily life. Students will bring forward their ideas on how space will influence the development, security and well being of society in the future.

The contest is open to all high school students aged 15 to 18. For more information, please visit the UNESCO website: