To support a coordinated approach to space technology development in Europe, ASD-Eurospace, and the European space industry will organise a dedicated workshop on October 24th and 25th, 2005 in Paris. (Location: Les Salons de l’Aveyron)

The workshop will address the main needs, trends and stakes of Space Research & Technology in Europe. It will also propose for discussion a space technology roadmap for the future.

In round tables and sessions, space policy decision makers, industry executives, and technology specialists will confront needs, trends and stakes of space technology.

The organisers expect attendance to review and discuss, before the ESA Council at Ministerial level, the future of space R&T in Europe.

Eurospace is the association of the European Space Industry. ASD is the Aerospace and Defence industries association of Europe and is currently being formed in a merger of  the European Association of Aerospace Industries (AECMA), the European Defence Industries Group (EDIG) and Eurospace.

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