The IAF is pleased to invite you to Women in Aerospace  Europe to host Rosetta Mission panel discussion at International Astronautical Federation Spring Meetings in Paris on March 24th

Women in Aerospace  Europe (WIA-E) has initiated a summit panel discussion during the IAF Spring Meetings: Women involved in the Rosetta Mission. This event will take place at the CAP15 Conference Centre in Paris from 15.00  17.00 on Tuesday March 24th 2015.

This panel discussion will explore the role of women in ESA’s high-profile scientific mission Rosetta, designed to orbit and land on a comet. Many outstanding women have contributed to the ongoing success of Rosetta and its lander Philae. The mission attracted tremendous worldwide media attention when it was “woken up” last year and reached its destination the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Panel speakers include:

 Simonetta di Pippo, Direction of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs and WIA-Europe President and Co-Founder

 Elsa Montagnon, ESA Deputy Flight Director for the Rosetta Lander Delivery Operations and presently BepiColombo Spacecraft Operations Manager

 Amalia Ercoli Finzi, Honorary Professor  Politecnico di Milano, Principle Investigator of Rosetta instrument “SD2: How to drill a comet”

The event will be moderated by Claudia Kessler, Chair of the WIA-Europe Board of Directors and CEO of HE Space. This event is open to all participants at the IAF Spring Meeting.

Women In Aerospace – Europe is dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community. WIA-E endeavours to engage and inspire more women to seek careers and advancement in aerospace as one strategic component to filling the workforce needs of the field.