About 25 years after the first Meteosat weather satellite, the first of the second generation (MSG-1) is to be launched in August. With sophisticated new instruments on board, MSG-1 will change the way we observe the weather.

MSG-1 has been developed by the European Space Agency, ESA, for EUMETSAT and built by Alcatel Space Industries in Cannes. To help them understand its advanced technology, ESA is offering the media an opportunity to enhance their knowledge about meteorology in general, forecasting techniques and the satellite’s specifics.

Media representatives are invited to Cannes in France for a seminar on 3 July. The new satellite can be seen in its clean-room environment, and scientists, engineers and mission experts will give thorough briefings on meteorology, forecasting techniques and climate research.

The seminar will provide plenty of background information about weather and climate processes. Filming will be allowed and experts from ESA and Alcatel Space will be available for interviews.

Representatives of the media wishing to attend this seminar are kindly requested to complete the attached accreditation form and fax it to: ESA/ESOC, Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin, Fax +49-6151-902961.

For more information, please contact :

Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin

Head of ESA/ESOC Communications

Tel: +49(0)6151.90.26.96

Fax : +49(0)6151.90.29.61


ESA Media Relations Service

Tel: +33(0)

Fax: +33(0)

Media Seminar “Technology for Climate Research”

3 July 2002 in Cannes (F)


10:00 – Arrival of guests at Alcatel in Cannes (individually or from hotel)

10:15 – Welcome and presentation of the seminar by Gerd Dieterle, MSG Project Manager, ESA, and Patrick Mautè, Director, Alcatel Space Industries

10.30 – Guided tour to the Alcatel clean room in Cannes; MSG-2 on display

11.00 – Opportunity for filming in the clean room and interviews on site

12.30 – Lunch with ESA and Alcatel representatives and with scientists/experts

13.45 – Introduction to the seminar

14.00 – Lecture 1: Eva Oriol-Pibernat, MSG Mission Manager, ESA: Understanding the climate – basics of atmospheric and climate processes

14:45 – Lecture 2: Emanuel Legrand, Mètèo France: Forecasting weather – prediction techniques, satellite use and accuracy

15:30 – Break

15:45 – Lecture 3: Patrick Mautè, Alcatel: MSG technological advances

16:15 – Lecture 4: John E. Harries, GERB Principal Investigator, Imperial College, London : Monitoring climate change – climate observation and the GERB experiment

17:00 – End of the seminar

The seminar will be held in English.

Planning details:

Venue: Alcatel Space Industries, 100 boulevard du Midi, BP 99, FR 06156 Cannes La Bocca, Côte d’Azur, France
Access: Regular international/domestic flights to Nice airport. For all guests arriving the evening before, a bus shuttle will be organised (about 30 minutes drive to Cannes). Hotel rooms will be block-booked and confirmed on request. Travel arrangements to be made by guests themselves.

Requests for interviews to be sent to ESA /ESOC, Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin, fax +49(0)6151-90.29.61 or phone +49(0)6151.90.26.96 or email jocelyne.landeau-constantin@esa.int

Contact for interviews Alcatel Space Industries: Sandrine Bielecki, phone +33(0)4-

Media Seminar “Technology for Climate Research”

3 July 2002 in Cannes (F)


Media. .

Business address.





Date of birth

Place of birth

Passport Number .


Expiry Date

Will arrive at Nice airport on ..at..hours on flight number..

[ ] wishes ESA to arrange a hotel booking for the night of 2/3 July

[ ] does not wish ESA to arrange a hotel booking

Form to be returned to:

Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin

ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany
