UrtheCast Corp. (TSX: UR) (UrtheCast) is pleased to announce that the company’s High-Resolution Camera (HRC) has passed its first Acceptance Test (AT-1), allowing for the camera to be shipped from Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (RAL Space) in the United Kingdom, to S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation (Energia) in Russia.

Representatives from UrtheCast, Energia, RAL Space, and MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA) participated in the completion of the HRC’s AT-1, which takes UrtheCast another step closer towards the launch of its cameras to the International Space Station (ISS), from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

“We are extremely pleased with the functioning of the HRC and its construction. Both RAL and MDA were instrumental in the camera’s successful development,” explained UrtheCast’s Chief Technology Officer and co-founder, Dr. George Tyc. “The HRC now joins the medium-resolution camera at RSC Energia where they will be tested in unison.”

AT-1 is the culmination of months of testing, which included electrical and functional tests of the camera as well as full environmental testing (thermal vacuum, vibration and electro-magnetic compatibility).

The second stage of the Acceptance Test process, AT-2, will commence soon after the HRC’s arrival in Russia.

More information on UrtheCast Corp. can be found at www.UrtheCast.com.

About UrtheCast Corp.

UrtheCast Corp. is a Vancouver-based technology company that is developing the world’s first near-live HD video feed of Earth, from space. Working with renowned aerospace partners from across the globe, UrtheCast is building, launching, installing, and will operate two cameras on the Russian segment of the International Space Station. Video data captured by the cameras will be downlinked to ground stations across the planet and displayed on the UrtheCast web platform, or distributed directly to exclusive partners and customers. UrtheCast’s cameras will provide high-resolution video and imagery of Earth that will allow for monitoring of the environment, humanitarian relief, social events, agricultural land, etc. UrtheCast is in the final stages of completing the assembly of two cameras that are expected to launch into space in late 2013.


Common shares of UrtheCast trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange as ticker UR.