Upper stage Block DM has performed a highly precise insertion of a Russian communications satellite Express-AM3 built by M.F.Reshetnev NPO PM into its target geostationary orbit (GEO). Its allocated GEO slot is 140 deg. E.

The upper stage carrying the SC was launched from a low Earth orbit where it had been put by launch-vehicle (LV) Proton-K launched from Baikonur on June 24 at 23:41 Moscow time. In compliance with the mission profile, after two flawless consecutive burns of the upper stage main engine, the SC separated from the upper stage and switched to free-flight mode on June 25 at 06:14 Moscow time.

This was the 253rd successful mission for upper stages of the Block D or Block DM type and the fifth successful launch for the upper stages of this type in 2005.

Upper stages of Block D or Block DM type are designed and built by S.P.Korolev RSC Energia and are intended for delivering SC from low Earth orbits to high-energy orbits, including GEO, as well as injection into trajectories towards the Moon and planets of our solar system. They have been in use since 1967, there are 11 modifications of this upper stage, out of which six modifications have been developed since mid-1990s. They operate on environmentally friendly propellant components (liquid oxygen and kerosene). These upper stages are at present operated together with the heavy-lift launch vehicle Proton-K and medium-lift launch vehicle Zenit-2S included in the sea-based space launching system Sea Launch.

Stand-alone processing of the Upper Stage at the launch site, and its processing when integrated into the Orbital Module and into the Integrated Launch Vehicle were performed under the technical supervision of S.P.Korolev RSC Energia. The technical manager is a deputy general designer V.M.Filin.

Launch and monitoring of the upper stage during its operation were supported by specialists from S.P.Korolev RSC Energia.