For centuries, we have worshipped it and wondered at it, but it’s only
now that we are getting a really good look at it. Although you can’t
gaze at the Sun with the naked eye, thanks to modern science we can
view images of our nearest star that confirm the fiery glory our
ancestors could only imagine.

Today, our views of the Universe are many and varied. The visible
light that our eyes can detect is only a small part of the whole range
of radiation known as the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which extends from
gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light and infrared rays,
through to microwaves and radio waves. Each form of radiation provides
different and complementary information on the subject viewed, which
is why we send cameras into space that can detect invisible as well as
visible radiation. And each new view provides new information about
our Universe, helping scientists piece together the bigger picture —
how it all began and when, or even if, it will end.

ESA’s solar fleet — SOHO, Ulysses and Cluster — are challenging our
understanding and perception of our Sun. The scrutiny of the Sun by
spacecraft such as SOHO is providing some unique views of its
dynamics and the impact of its activity on Earth. Since 1995, SOHO
has been gazing sunwards, showing us some surprising images of its
surface, and its dramatic storms that release huge bursts of
high-energy particles. These storms can cause power blackouts,
damage to satellites and telecommunications, and even pose a danger
to astronauts and people in high-flying craft.

SOHO’s remarkable imagery is the inspiration behind Sunsation — an
exhibition that seeks to bring our vision of the Sun up to date by
combining the most stunning solar images from space with other
images from our everyday world. The exhibition can be viewed at , and is also available free of charge for loan
to art galleries, observatories or other organisations in ESA Member


* Sunsation — a new view of the Sun

* More about SOHO

* More about Ulysses

* More about Cluster

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Sunsation — a new view of the Sun

SOHO’s remarkable imagery of the Sun is the inspiration behind
Sunsation — an exhibition that seeks to bring our vision of the Sun
up to date by combining the most stunning solar images from space with
other images from our everyday world. The exhibition can be viewed at , and is also available free of charge for loan to
art galleries, observatories or other organisations in ESA Member